FlyPix AI

Leading Geospatial Companies in the USA: A Comprehensive Overview

The United States is home to a vibrant community of geospatial companies, each contributing to the evolution of mapping, spatial analysis, and data visualization technologies. These organizations play a critical role in various industries, including environmental management, urban planning, defense, and tech innovation. As geospatial technologies continue to advance, these companies are at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with spatial data. This article provides an overview of the leading geospatial companies in the USA, highlighting their contributions to the industry and the innovative solutions they bring to the table.

1. Flypix

Flypix is at the forefront of AI-driven geospatial solutions, holding a unique position within the dynamic AI consulting landscape of the United States. We utilize advanced AI to turn complex imagery into actionable, geo-referenced insights, revolutionizing how clients approach environmental monitoring, urban planning, and beyond. Our dedication to precision, efficiency, and user-friendly interfaces allows us to deliver custom solutions across a variety of industries, including agriculture, construction, renewable energy, and smart cities.

Our journey is defined by an unwavering commitment to innovation, highlighted by our active participation in prestigious forums and competitions, where our contributions to the Earth observation sector have garnered recognition and accolades. With Flypix’s AI-geospatial capabilities, our clients achieve a competitive edge, benefiting from enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and comprehensive insights that inform their decision-making processes. As a leader in the AI consulting field, we are committed to surpassing the expectations of our clients, both in the USA and globally, ensuring they remain at the cutting edge of technological advancements in geospatial analysis.

At FlyPix, our focus is on boosting operational efficiency and delivering strategic benefits to our customers via our cutting-edge GEO AI platform, alongside our dedication to customized solutions and additional value services.

Key Highlights:

  • AI-Enabled Object Detection and Localization: Utilizes a vast library of AI models or allows the creation of custom models for precise object and area detection, segmentation, and localization.
  • Detailed Object Analysis: Provides insights into object properties like type, area, size, and more for comprehensive analysis.
  • Change and Anomaly Detection: Facilitates monitoring of area changes over time and identification of unusual patterns in aerial imaging.
  • Dynamic Tracking: Employs advanced AI algorithms for tracking changes in object properties or locations.
  • Custom Use Cases: Offers tailor-made solutions to meet the unique needs of various industries.

Key Services:

  • Imagery Sourcing: Collaborates with top-tier satellite and drone imagery providers for end-to-end support in image procurement, ensuring data quality and alignment with use case requirements.
  • Training and Empowerment: Provides comprehensive training and customization options to empower organizations, enabling them to fully leverage the platform’s functionalities for their specific projects.

Contact Information:

2. Averto Io

Averto is redefining the landscape of safety and information accessibility in conflict zones with its innovative, crowdsourced mapping app and alert system. This technology provides real-time information and customized alerts to safeguard individuals and organizations operating within high-risk areas.

At its core, Averto is a solution designed to bridge the information gap in conflict zones, where the daily routines of billions are fraught with danger. By leveraging the power of crowdsourced data, Averto facilitates situational awareness and creates a dynamic, shared platform where individuals can both report and access vital, real-time information about their surroundings. This approach not only empowers the people living in these areas but also introduces a new level of safety and self-determination previously unavailable.

Key Highlights:

  • Crowdsourced Data: Utilizes information gathered from users to provide a comprehensive view of safety conditions in real-time.
  • Situational Awareness: Enhances the understanding of on-the-ground realities, enabling better decision-making for individuals and organizations alike.
  • Customized Alerts: Delivers personalized notifications about potential dangers, ensuring users are promptly informed about threats in their vicinity.

Key Services:

  • Real-Time Information Sharing: Offers an interactive platform for users to report and view alerts on a live map, fostering a community-driven approach to safety.
  • Community Moderation: Employs in-country community moderators to ensure the reliability and accuracy of shared information.
  • User Validation: Incorporates a system of anonymous voting on reports, allowing the community to contribute to the credibility of the information provided.

Contact Information:

  • Website:

3. Ubisense myWorld

Ubisense is transforming how physical spaces are utilized and monitored through its innovative SmartSpace® technology. This advanced solution offers real-time tracking, movement, and interaction of objects and people, facilitating unparalleled connectivity and automation across diverse sectors including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, logistics, and transit management.

Ubisense SmartSpace® addresses the fundamental challenges faced in manual processes through precise location tracking, interaction monitoring, and sequence management. This platform seamlessly integrates with various data sources, including Ubisense’s Dimension4™ Ultra-Wideband sensors, to provide accurate and actionable insights that boost productivity and safety.

Key Highlights:

  • Real-Time Tracking: Enables precise location monitoring of objects and people, enhancing operational efficiency and safety.
  • Process Optimization: Identifies and corrects common issues like misplaced items, incorrect interactions, and sequence errors, streamlining workflows.
  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with any location or identification data source, including Dimension4™ Ultra-Wideband sensors, for comprehensive tracking solutions.

Key Services:

  • Production Logistics: Manages the flow of parts and materials to prevent stoppages and optimize resources.
  • Tool Management: Locates and controls the use of tools in real time, eliminating search time and preventing errors.
  • Process Monitoring: Digitizes processes with real-time data to improve productivity, quality, and safety.
  • Yard Management: Tracks work-in-progress across indoor and outdoor areas to reduce search waste.
  • Logistics Control: Monitors material handling equipment utilization to optimize operations.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Ubisense America LLC, 1630 Welton Street, Suite 1000E, Denver, CO, 80202, United States
  • Phone Number: +44 1223 53 5170
  • Twitter:
  • LinkedIn:

4. Tech Maven Geospatial, LLC

Tech Maven Geospatial stands at the forefront of geospatial technology, offering a comprehensive suite of services that encompass the development of mobile and desktop mapping applications, geospatial data content management systems, and a wide array of spatial data processing and conversion services. Their expertise extends across multiple domains, including GIS software development, consulting, mobile GIS development, geospatial services, map tiling, web mapping applications and portals, content management, terrain data analysis, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and specialized automated workflows.

Tech Maven Geospatial, LLC is renowned for its innovative and creative approach towards solving complex problems and designing solutions with a strong focus on usability and user experience. The team of experts is well-versed in a variety of programming languages and development tools, ensuring tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.

Key Highlights:

  • Expertise in GIS Software Development using languages like Python, Django, JavaScript, C#, C++, PHP, and more.
  • Development of plugins for QGIS Desktop and custom UI/forms with QT.
  • Provision of full-scale consulting services including feasibility analysis, R&D reports, and solution recommendations.
  • Creation of native and cross-platform mobile GIS applications with advanced geospatial data visualization and GNSS/location services.
  • Comprehensive geospatial services including cartographic map production, spatial analysis, and map geo-referencing.
  • Advanced map tiling services for both vector and raster data, supporting offline environments.
  • Development of map portals and web mapping applications using cutting-edge JavaScript libraries.
  • Expertise in geospatial content management with experience on platforms like GeoNode/GeoShape and GeoNetwork.
  • Specialization in elevation/terrain data analysis, 3D modeling, and advanced photogrammetry and remote sensing services.
  • Implementation of specialized automated workflows and spatial analysis for data-intensive projects.

Key Services:

Tech Maven Geospatial’s offerings are diverse and tailored to address the intricate needs of geospatial analysis and mapping:

  • GIS Software Development: Crafting custom software solutions for web, desktop, and mobile platforms, including IT systems analysis and project management.
  • Consulting Services: Offering expert advice on integrating geospatial data services into enterprise systems and managing complex geospatial projects.
  • Mobile GIS Development: Developing high-performance mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms with integrated geospatial functionalities.
  • Geospatial Services: Providing a range of services from map production and spatial analysis to data-driven content creation.
  • Map Tiling Services: Delivering advanced map tiling solutions for vector and raster data, suitable for online and offline use.
  • Web Mapping Applications and Portals: Building sophisticated web-based mapping solutions for enhanced data visualization and user interaction.
  • Content Management Services: Developing and managing geospatial web services for efficient data discovery, publishing, and search.
  • Terrain and Elevation Data Analysis: Offering advanced analysis and visualization of terrain data for accurate landscape interpretation.
  • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: Processing and analyzing Earth observation imagery for detailed environmental and geographical insights.
  • Automated Workflows and Spatial Analysis: Automating complex geospatial workflows and performing in-depth spatial analysis to support decision-making processes.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 775-573-0253
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Facebook:

5. TCarta

TCarta stands as a beacon in the realm of hydrospatial and geospatial mapping, leveraging its extensive experience to offer state-of-the-art solutions for a wide array of applications ranging from marine remote sensing intelligence to environmental monitoring. Established in 2014 in Denver, Colorado, TCarta has carved a niche for itself as a leading provider of innovative hydrospatial products and Earth observation analysis services.

With a dedicated team comprising GIS professionals, hydrographers, imagery analysts, and developers, alongside a robust ecosystem of partner companies, TCarta delivers comprehensive solutions to address real-world challenges across engineering, exploration, navigation, and environmental monitoring. The company’s global footprint spans the coastal waters of the world, including significant surveying initiatives in the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Oceans, with particular attention to remote island nations and regions facing challenges such as the Middle East and Arctic.

Key Highlights:

  • Extensive Portfolio: Specializes in inland, coastal, and offshore hydrospatial and geospatial mapping systems and solutions.
  • Global Experience: Has conducted large-scale surveying initiatives worldwide, focusing on remote and challenging environments.
  • Innovative Solutions: Employs cutting-edge GIS and remote sensing mapping solutions that are accessible, informative, and of proven quality.
  • Diverse Applications: Services span across geospatial remote sensing intelligence, coastal engineering, environmental monitoring, and global mapping.
  • Recognized Expertise: Trusted by U.S. and international governments, NGOs, major oil and gas companies, and scientific organizations.

Services and Products:

TCarta’s expertise encompasses a broad range of products and services designed to meet the diverse needs of its clients:

  • Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: Offers high-resolution, accurate water-depth data for regions difficult to access by traditional survey methods.
  • Seafloor Classification: Provides detailed maps for ongoing monitoring of the seafloor, categorizing elements into classes for environmental and conservation projects.
  • Satellite-Derived Water Quality: Utilizes satellite imagery to offer sustainable solutions for assessing water quality in marine environments.
  • Global Bathymetry GIS Data: Delivers customized data packages that easily integrate into GIS mapping and modeling workflows.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 1015 Federal Boulevard, Denver, CO 80204, USA
  • Phone Number: +1 (303) 284-6144
  • Instagram:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:

6. Allvision IO

Allvision stands at the forefront of technological innovation in infrastructure, mobility, and transportation sectors. By harnessing the power of machine learning and computer vision, Allvision specializes in generating high-definition, time-based asset inventories, offering unparalleled insights and monitoring capabilities for a vast array of infrastructure assets and environments.

Utilizing data sourced from autonomous vehicles, GIS mapping platforms, and satellite/aerial imagery, Allvision creates detailed geo-spatial models of key infrastructure assets. These models are not only rich in detail but are also readily accessible on demand, providing critical insights for improving vehicle turnover in commercial zones, monitoring vegetation encroachment on power lines, and maintaining comprehensive asset inventories.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Data Sourcing: Allvision leverages a fleet of mapping partners, ensuring high-frequency data collection cycles.
  • AI-Driven Data Enrichment: The platform’s AI-driven enrichment process locates and analyzes critical infrastructure assets, revealing actionable insights.
  • Advanced Analysis: Allvision offers unlocked geospatial intelligence through a suite of web-based analytics/monitoring tools and an API for easy access and integration.
  • Digital Twin Generation: Pioneering the first true digital twin platform for infrastructure, Allvision enables rapid capture and creation of interactive datasets.

How Allvision Works:

  • Sourcing: Data is collected through industry-leading mapping partners, utilizing high-frequency collection cycles to ensure up-to-date information.
  • Enrichment: The AI-driven platform enriches the data by identifying and analyzing critical infrastructure assets.
  • Analysis: The processed data is made accessible for actionable insights through Allvision’s advanced analytics tools and APIs.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Phone Number: +1 (303) 284-6144
  • Instagram:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

7. Aspectum

Aspectum specializes in offering GIS mapping software to enhance business intelligence and geospatial visualization. This US-based company, with a representative office in Ukraine, began its journey in 2017 as a principal geospatial analytics partner of EOS Data Analytics. Aspectum has carved a niche in delivering advanced geospatial solutions across various industries including consulting, agriculture, transportation, retail, and real estate.

Aspectum aims to transform the analytical processes of businesses by leveraging cutting-edge geospatial technology. By simplifying the complex GIS, traditionally seen as elite and cumbersome, Aspectum introduces an accessible, cloud-based platform for geodata business intelligence and visualization suitable for a broad audience.

Key Highlights:

  • Multicultural team passionate about quality, innovation, and accessible geospatial technology.
  • Projects executed across consulting, agro, transportation, retail, and real estate sectors.
  • Recognized for transforming traditional business analytical processes with advanced geospatial technology.

Key Services:

  • GIS Mapping Software: Aspectum offers GIS mapping tools that provide access to robust data represented as easy-to-understand online maps, equipping decision-makers with powerful insights.
  • Smart Analytics: The platform promises a significant increase in analysis speed compared to traditional GIS solutions, offering insights up to 100 times faster.
  • Data Solutions for GIS Mapping: Aspectum is equipped with geospatial data, allowing users to enrich their analytics with third-party datasets such as traffic, constructions, and points of interest.
  • Data Enrichment Services: The platform provides high-quality data from leading providers, saving time for analytical research with ready-made datasets containing clear and concise parameters.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Menlo Park, California
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

8. Mapistry 

Mapistry is revolutionizing the way industrial operations manage environmental compliance by moving away from traditional spreadsheets to a more reliable and efficient system. Specializing in air and water permits management, Mapistry utilizes machine learning and computer vision to automate data capture and streamline the compliance process.

Mapistry provides a software solution that addresses the challenges of managing environmental compliance through spreadsheets, which are prone to errors and inefficiencies. The platform automates the collection, tracking, and reporting of environmental data, significantly reducing the time and resources required for compliance management. By offering a suite of web-based analytics and monitoring tools, Mapistry empowers industrial operations with actionable insights to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.

Key Highlights:

  • Automated data capture from various sources, including databases, the cloud, and mobile devices, to reduce manual data entry.
  • Custom calculations for permit compliance and internal benchmarking to meet agency requirements and facility goals.
  • Powerful dashboards and analytics for real-time monitoring of facility compliance status and exceedance notifications.
  • Comprehensive compliance management tools, including a compliance calendar, task management, mobile inspections, GIS map builder, and document management.

Key Services:

Mapistry’s platform offers a range of services designed to optimize environmental compliance management:

  • Automated Data Capture: Streamlines the collection of air and water data, saving teams hundreds of hours in data entry.
  • Calculations: Enables custom calculations for permit limits and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Dashboards & Analytics: Provides insightful dashboards and reports for monitoring compliance status and identifying potential exceedances.
  • Core Compliance Tools: Includes a compliance calendar, task management, mobile inspections, GIS map builder, and document management for a holistic approach to environmental compliance.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: PO Box 7775. PMB 48849. San Francisco, California 94120-7775 US
  • Email:
  • Phone: (800) 553-7420
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:

9. AI Clearing

AI Clearing specializes in construction progress monitoring by employing advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies through its SaaS platform, AI Clearing Core™. This platform is designed to transform digital field construction progress tracking by leveraging drone-captured data and integrating various digital data formats for comprehensive 4D geospatial analytics. AI Clearing, established in 2019 and based in Austin, Texas, with a Research & Development hub in Warsaw, Poland, aims to revolutionize the construction monitoring industry by reducing rework costs and mitigating litigation risks.

AI Clearing Core™ offers an innovative approach to construction progress monitoring by generating detailed 3D site reports covering the entire construction area. This allows for more accurate and efficient progress tracking. The platform’s high level of automation significantly reduces reporting cycles, providing stakeholders with actionable insights through interactive online dashboards and PDF reports. AI Clearing’s solutions are designed for seamless integration with existing organizational systems, facilitating efficient data flow and management.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in AI-powered digital field construction progress tracking.
  • Utilizes drone-captured data and digital data formats for automated 4D geospatial analytics.
  • Provides comprehensive 3D site reports for accurate and efficient progress monitoring.
  • Offers interactive online dashboards and PDF reports for actionable insights.
  • Designed for seamless integration with existing organizational systems.

Key Services:

AI Clearing offers a range of services aimed at enhancing construction progress monitoring:

  • Automated Data Capture: Streamlines the collection process by integrating data from various sources, including drones and existing systems, supported by AI-assisted file uploads.
  • Advanced Analytics: Employs machine learning technology for advanced 4D geospatial analytics, enabling automated calculation of permit limits, custom KPIs, and facility benchmarks.
  • Interactive Reporting: Delivers actionable insights through interactive dashboards and detailed PDF reports, facilitating near-real-time progress tracking and communication with stakeholders.
  • Integration Capabilities: Ensures smooth data flow and efficient management by integrating easily with existing organizational systems.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 7600 Chevy Chase Dr Ste 300, Austin, Texas, 78752, United States
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:

10. CartoFront

CartoFront is revolutionizing the process of quoting and selling property and casualty (P&C) insurance to homeowners through its innovative technology solutions. Their platform, designed for efficiency and profitability, caters to insurance providers by facilitating the sale of flood insurance directly within real estate transaction networks. This can either integrate seamlessly into existing systems or be white-labeled for use by enterprise clients.

Utilizing a modular, API-based technology, CartoFront’s solutions are designed to simplify the traditionally complex process of quoting P&C insurance. The platform offers three main products: a Flood Insurance Quoting Platform designed for Multiple Listing Services (MLS), a Flood Insurance Marketplace, and a Homeowners Marketplace, both of which are currently in development. These solutions are aimed at making it easier, faster, and more profitable for insurance providers to offer comprehensive insurance quotes to homeowners.

Key Highlights:

  • Efficiency and Profitability: Designed to streamline the process of quoting P&C insurance, making it more efficient and profitable for insurance providers.
  • Modular, API-Based Technology: Ensures easy and seamless integration into various real estate transaction-based networks or enterprise client systems.
  • Bilingual Support: Offers English-Spanish communication and customer support to cater to a broader audience.
  • Educational Tools: Provides risk scoring and complementary risk education to homeowners for additional peace of mind.

Key Services:

CartoFront’s platform is structured around providing comprehensive solutions for insurance quoting within the real estate transaction process:

  • Flood Insurance Quoting Platform for MLS: Simplifies the process of obtaining flood insurance quotes by integrating directly with MLS systems.
  • Flood Insurance Marketplace: A developing platform that will offer a comprehensive marketplace for comparing flood insurance quotes from a variety of insurers.
  • Homeowners Marketplace: In development, this marketplace will extend beyond flood insurance to encompass a wider range of homeowner insurance needs.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1212, Chicago, IL 60654
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:

11. SpatialGIS

SpatialGIS is an innovative geospatial analytics company that transcends traditional map-making by harnessing cutting-edge technology to provide real-time insights about places and spaces. Through its services, SpatialGIS aims to transform complex data into straightforward, actionable information, thereby enhancing decision-making processes for its clients. Positioned as a leader in precision geospatial solutions, SpatialGIS is dedicated to empowering government operations with its expertise, ensuring strategic insights for informed decision-making with unmatched clarity and precision.

At its core, SpatialGIS leverages the latest in aerial UAV technology and advanced data analysis to deliver actionable intelligence that supports real-time decision-making. The company emphasizes cybersecurity and scalability in its offerings, providing a secure and flexible solution tailored to meet the comprehensive geospatial needs of its clients. With a commitment to accuracy and timely support, SpatialGIS positions itself as an ideal partner for federal projects, aiming to lead the evolution of geospatial tools.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in delivering high-impact GIS and geospatial analytics, combining aerial UAV technology with advanced data analysis.
  • Offers a secure and flexible solution to cater to all geospatial needs, focusing on cybersecurity and scalability.
  • Dedicated to serving federal agencies with accurate and timely geospatial support.
  • Comprised of an experienced leadership team combining accuracy with advanced technology.

Key Services:

SpatialGIS’s services are designed to provide a comprehensive suite of geospatial solutions:

  • Mapping: Offers detailed geospatial representations to ensure federal agencies have precise layouts for strategic planning and execution.
  • Data Analytics: Transforms vast geospatial datasets into actionable insights, supporting federal initiatives by making sense of complex patterns and trends.
  • Visualization: Utilizes advanced visualization tools to present geospatial information in engaging and understandable formats, aiding in strategy development with dynamic, interactive visuals.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Phone: (301) 442-3914
  • Email:

12. LocaleIQ 

LocaleIQ uniquely integrates mapping and content management systems (CMS) for developers seeking to offer customers a powerful yet straightforward solution to manage their own content and location data. This development and content management platform redefines mapping by marrying it with rich content, multimedia management, and simplified complex data structures handling, making it an innovative solution for location-based data management.

LocaleIQ revolutionizes the way mapping and content management are approached by combining location information, maps, and indexable, searchable content into one platform. It addresses the challenges of managing multidimensional geospatial data by offering easy-to-use mapping tools that do not necessarily require GIS expertise. This platform is designed to simplify the complexity traditionally associated with map layers, allowing for more intuitive management of location and services data.

Unique Features:

  • Hierarchies: Utilize parent/child management smart forms for detailed information layering about locations, offering users a rich, interactive experience without any coding requirements.
  • Time-Based Maps: Ideal for displaying events or services at specific times, this feature supports permanent, temporary, or recurring publishing times for any mapped item.
  • Real-Time Updates: Enables the community to receive real-time updates from both the field and the office, enhancing responsiveness to environmental changes or emergencies.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:

13. Carmatec

Carmatec is recognized for its comprehensive software engineering capabilities, offering cloud-powered digital solutions across multiple devices. With over twenty years of experience in the IT industry, Carmatec positions itself as a trusted partner for digital transformation. The company prides itself on its ability to deliver enterprise-class solutions by leveraging stringent quality control measures, adopting best practices, and employing a highly skilled team.

Key Highlights:

  • Over two decades of experience in the IT industry, marking Carmatec as a seasoned player in digital transformation solutions.
  • A substantial portfolio of completed projects, indicating a broad range of experience across various domains.
  • A significant number of federal partnerships, showcasing Carmatec’s capability to meet stringent government and enterprise requirements.
  • A high satisfaction rate among clients, reflecting the company’s commitment to quality and customer service.

Key Services:

Carmatec offers a wide array of services designed to cater to the diverse needs of its clientele, focusing on harnessing technology and digital platforms to foster business growth and transformation.

  • Application Development: Carmatec’s app development services emphasize market-focused strategies, employing agile teams to ensure continuous value delivery. The applications boast optimized UI/UX services and cloud architecture.
  • Cloud Adoption: The company provides solutions for cloud adoption, facilitating businesses in transitioning their operations to cloud platforms efficiently.
  • Web Presence Solutions: Carmatec helps businesses establish and enhance their online presence, ensuring they leverage digital platforms to their maximum potential.
  • Trending Technology: The company stays at the forefront of emerging technologies, ensuring its solutions remain relevant and innovative.

GIS Services for Business Solutions:

Carmatec extends its expertise to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping, revolutionizing how businesses utilize location-based data.

  • Spatial Visualization: Offering intuitive maps that transform complex data into easily comprehensible visuals, aiding decision-making processes.
  • Data Integration: Seamless integration of diverse datasets provides a comprehensive view of the business landscape.
  • Customized Mapping: Tailored mapping solutions meet specific industry needs, highlighting critical information for informed decision-making.
  • Geospatial Analysis: Advanced analysis techniques uncover patterns and trends, offering insights to inform business strategies.
  • Real-Time Updates and Geocoding: Ensuring businesses have access to the latest information and accurate location data.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 3333 Lee Parkway, Ste 600, Dallas, TX -75219 USA
  • Email:
  • Phone: +91 70120 98783
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

14. Esri

Esri, established in 1969, has become a pivotal force in the GIS (Geographic Information System) sector, earning its status as a global market leader in GIS software, location intelligence, and mapping. The company has dedicated itself to supporting clients across various industries with geographic science and geospatial analytics, embodying what it refers to as “The Science of Where.” Through a geographic approach to problem-solving, Esri’s technology has been instrumental in uncovering hidden patterns and relationships, thereby transforming data into actionable insights.

Key Highlights:

  • Global Market Leadership in GIS: Esri is recognized worldwide for its powerful GIS software and location intelligence capabilities.
  • Decades of Experience: With over half a century in the industry, Esri brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.
  • Innovative Solutions: The company pioneers in providing cutting-edge mapping and analytics software, such as ArcGIS.
  • Wide-Ranging Impact: Esri’s technology has been applied to tackle global challenges, including climate change, public health, and social equity.

Key Services:

Esri offers an extensive array of services and solutions designed to empower organizations with location intelligence:

  • Digital Twins with Geospatial Context: Esri enhances digital twin technology by integrating geospatial context, providing a detailed and dynamic representation of real-world entities and systems.
  • ArcGIS Solutions: An all-encompassing collection of geospatial solutions that enable organizations to leverage location intelligence effectively.
  • Customer Success Stories: Highlighting the application of Esri’s GIS technology across various industries, such as Penske’s integration of classical analytics with GIS.
  • Educational Events and Resources: Esri hosts events like the Esri Energy Resources GIS Conference and produces insightful content through podcasts and blogs, aiming to advance the knowledge and application of GIS technology.
  • Advanced Geospatial Analytics: Beyond map creation, Esri’s technology facilitates advanced geospatial analytics, enabling the visualization of complex data sets and fostering collaborative data sharing.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 380 New York Street, Redlands, California, United States of America
  • Phone: +380445024121
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

15. Topcon Positioning Group

Topcon positions itself as a pivotal entity in shaping the infrastructure and agriculture of our communities, underpinning the vital efforts of those who construct our world and ensure its sustenance. This company stands out for its dedication to enhancing the operational capabilities of its clients, propelling them towards greater productivity and sustainability. Topcon’s innovative solutions are tailored to meet the burgeoning needs of a rapidly growing global population, expected to reach 9 billion by 2030, necessitating expanded housing, infrastructure, and food production.

Key Highlights:

  • Empowering Construction and Agriculture: Topcon is committed to supporting the sectors that are fundamental to global development and sustenance, offering technology that enhances efficiency and productivity.
  • Innovative Solutions: The company’s portfolio includes a range of pioneering technologies designed to streamline operations in construction and agriculture.
  • Sustainability Focus: For over two decades, Topcon has integrated sustainable practices into its business model, aiming to contribute to the creation of sustainable infrastructure and agricultural practices.
  • Global Presence: With a team of nearly 5,000 employees worldwide, Topcon is dedicated to delivering breakthrough technologies that address the challenges faced by its clients.

Key Services:

Topcon’s suite of services and products is meticulously designed to cater to the nuanced needs of its clientele, embodying precision, reliability, and ease of use.

  • MC-Mobile System: A versatile 3-in-1 system offering layout, machine control, and grade checking capabilities, designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of construction projects.
  • Harvest Solutions: Precision tools for agriculture, including yield monitoring and harvest cart weighing, aimed at optimizing productivity and data accuracy.
  • Topnet Live: A global GNSS correction service that ensures precise satellite positioning for surveying and construction applications.
  • Aptix Integration Platform: Simplifies the integration of third-party applications and project data throughout the construction project lifecycle, from planning to job site operations.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 7400 National Drive, Livermore, CA 94550 United States
  • Phone: 925-245-8300
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

16. Hexagon AB

Hexagon stands at the forefront of the digital reality solutions sector, pioneering the integration of sensor, software, and autonomous technologies. This global leader is dedicated to empowering its customers across various industries—including industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, public sector, and mobility applications—to efficiently harness and operationalize vast data volumes. Through its innovative solutions, Hexagon strives to amplify efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety for its clientele.

Key Highlights:

  • Global Leadership: Hexagon is recognized for its leading role in digital reality solutions, blending advanced sensor, software, and autonomous technologies.
  • Data Utilization: The company focuses on bridging the gap between the surging creation of data and the capability to effectively employ this data for transformative outcomes.
  • Sustainability Vision: Central to Hexagon’s ethos is the ambition to utilize data in ways that ensure both business and humanity can sustainably thrive without compromising the planet and its resources.
  • Extensive Reach: With approximately 24,500 employees spread across 50 countries and net sales reaching around 5.4 billion EUR, Hexagon showcases a robust global presence.

Key Services:

Hexagon offers a diverse array of platforms and solutions designed to meet the intricate needs of various industries, enhancing geospatial and location intelligence capabilities:

  • M.App Enterprise: A customizable platform integrating 2D and 3D maps with business intelligence tools, facilitating office-to-field workflows.
  • LuciadRIA: Provides a JavaScript API for crafting geospatial web applications with desktop-like performance.
  • LuciadLightspeed: An API geared toward developing mission-critical geospatial desktop and onboard applications in Java.
  • LuciadFusion: Serves as an efficient server solution for managing and disseminating large volumes of data to a multitude of applications.
  • LuciadCPillar: Offers an API for the creation of mission-critical geospatial desktop and onboard applications in C++ and C#.
  • Google Maps Platform: A collaboration with Google to integrate maps, routes, and places capabilities into web and mobile applications.
  • Industry-Specific Solutions: Hexagon provides tailored solutions for utilities, transportation and logistics, real estate, government, eCommerce & retail, and college campuses, facilitating asset management, field services, customer communications, and more.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 1728 3rd Avenue N, Suite #400D, Birmingham, Alabama, 35203
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:
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Geospatial companies in the USA are playing a pivotal role in transforming how data is understood and utilized across various sectors, from real estate and environmental conservation to infrastructure management and broadband internet provision. These companies leverage cutting-edge technologies such as GIS, satellite imagery, drones, and cloud computing to offer innovative solutions that address complex challenges related to location, navigation, and spatial analysis. By providing tools and platforms that enhance decision-making and operational efficiency, these enterprises are at the forefront of driving significant advancements in how geographic data is applied, impacting everything from urban planning and disaster response to conservation efforts and community development.

Furthermore, the diversity of applications and services offered by geospatial companies underscores the sector’s adaptability and the growing importance of spatial data across different industries. Whether it’s facilitating access to broadband in underserved communities, optimizing land use through detailed zoning analysis, or enhancing public safety and emergency preparedness with 3D modeling, these companies are making tangible contributions to societal progress and economic growth. As the demand for precise, real-time geographic information continues to rise, geospatial companies in the USA are well-positioned to lead innovations that not only improve how we interact with our physical world but also how we plan for its sustainable future.
