FlyPix AI

Leading Geospatial Companies in Belgium

Belgium is home to a burgeoning geospatial industry, with numerous companies at the forefront of mapping and spatial analysis. These firms are pivotal in shaping how data and technology interact to solve complex problems in various sectors, including agriculture, logistics, and urban planning. This article highlights the top geospatial companies in Belgium, showcasing their innovative approaches and significant contributions to the field.

1. FlyPix AI

At FlyPix, we specialize in aerial imaging and photogrammetry, providing top-tier aerial photography and video services primarily for mapping and surveying applications. Our team operates state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with cutting-edge sensors and cameras, to capture high-resolution data from above. This technology enables us to deliver detailed and accurate geospatial data crucial for a wide range of applications, including urban planning, construction, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.

Our operations are built around a commitment to delivering precise and reliable data tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our UAVs can navigate diverse terrains, from densely populated urban areas to remote and challenging natural landscapes, ensuring comprehensive coverage of targeted areas and enhancing the quality and utility of the geospatial data we provide.

We also focus heavily on the processing and analysis of the captured images and videos. Utilizing advanced photogrammetry software, we transform raw aerial imagery into 3D models, topographical maps, and other valuable geospatial products. These outputs are instrumental for our clients, supporting their decision-making processes and providing insights critical for project planning, monitoring, and execution. The ability to visualize and analyze geographic environments in high detail aids a variety of strategic activities, from optimizing new building projects to conducting environmental impact assessments.


  • AI-Enabled Object Detection and Localization: Utilizing a vast library of AI models, we detect and localize objects with high accuracy.
  • Detailed Object Analysis: We offer insights into object properties like type, size, and area, empowering decision-making.
  • Change and Anomaly Detection: Our technology allows for the monitoring of area changes over time, enabling the quick identification of unusual patterns.
  • Dynamic Tracking: We track changes in object properties or locations using advanced AI algorithms, ensuring up-to-date data.
  • Custom Use Cases: Tailored solutions are available to meet specific industry needs, enhancing the applicability of our services.

Key Highlights:

  • User-friendly interface for easy visualization and reporting of geospatial data.
  • Cost-effective solutions through remote inspections and analyses.
  • Competitive advantage via cutting-edge deep learning technology.

Contact Information:

2. Geosparc

Geosparc specializes in providing geospatial solutions that cater to a diverse range of needs, including government and private sectors. Their expertise lies in integrating geospatial data into practical applications that support policy-making and enforcement. By offering solutions like real-time parking behavior insights and smart permit management, they help clients optimize public space usage and enhance urban mobility. Their commitment to innovation is also evident in their approach to environmental management, where they utilize data analysis and IoT technologies to improve water quality in Flanders.


  • Data-Driven Parking Policy: Provides infrastructure, hardware, and management platforms for real-time parking behavior analysis and enforcement.
  • Smart Permit Management: Manages temporary public domain intakes with a focus on mobility impact and traffic simulation integration.
  • Optimization of Charging Infrastructure: Integrates car charging stations with parking management systems for policy optimization based on reliable data.

Key Highlights:

  • Collaboration with the Flemish Environment Agency on projects like tracing polluted water in sewer networks.
  • Offering specialized GIS courses through Geosparc Academy to enhance skills in open-source and open data GIS solutions.
  • Partnering on European projects like BEPROACT for better water quality through smart data analysis.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Molenweidestraat 24, 9070 Destelbergen, BELGIUM
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +49 6151 2776497
  • Facebook:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Twitter:

3. operates as a consulting company in Belgium, specializing in geomatics. Their expertise extends to setting up Geographic Information Systems (GIS), automating GeoProcessing, and producing GeoData (Geo-IT). They are particularly adept at applying Artificial Intelligence to remote sensing and Earth-observation data, enhancing the precision and utility of geospatial analyses. Additionally, supports the implementation, design, development, and maintenance of both prototypes and production systems, aiming to optimize the integration and functionality of geospatial technologies in various industries.


  • GIS Setup and Support: Implementation and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems.
  • GeoProcessing Automation: Streamlining processes involved in geodata manipulation and analysis.
  • AI for Earth Observation: Applying machine learning techniques to remote sensing data to improve data analysis outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  • Utilizes a wide range of open-source technologies including QGIS, PostGIS, and GeoServer.
  • Expertise in managing spatial databases and deploying cartographic servers.
  • Offers comprehensive solutions from data collection and processing to visualization and analysis, using various data sharing protocols and programming tools.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Quadratic SRL, Rue Vieille Voie de Tongres, 10, 4451 Voroux-Lez-Liers, Belgique
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32.497.92.92.46

4. GIM

GIM leverages geospatial data to deliver smart geo insights, providing clear, actionable information that aids in sustainable decision-making. This firm is adept at harnessing the full potential of geodata across various markets including utilities, government, and private enterprises. Their focus is on integrating, transforming, and making geodata easily accessible to enhance the efficiency of operations and planning. Their solutions are designed to be adaptable to different sectors, ensuring that each client receives tailored geo-solutions that fit their specific needs.


  • Geodata Integration: Simplifying the management of geospatial data.
  • Geo-ICT Solutions: Building applications for managing and using geographic information.
  • Geomarketing: Providing location-based insights for strategic decision-making.

Key Highlights:

  • Develops custom interactive map applications with their Geoblox framework for web and mobile platforms.
  • Provides a no-code solution through the FME platform, integrating all types of data to enhance accessibility.
  • Part of the Merkator Group, expanding its reach and capabilities in the geospatial sector.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Ubicenter D – Philipssite 5 bus 27 – 3001 Leuven (België)
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32 (0)16 40 30 39
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

5. Localyse

Localyse specialize in location-based services, primarily using Google Maps Platform and Google Cloud Platform, which are integral tools for geospatial data analysis and application. Their expertise lies in enhancing location intelligence, which allows businesses to leverage geolocation data to gain actionable insights, improve customer experiences, and optimize business processes.

Localyse operates as a Google Premier Partner, focusing on delivering advanced location-based services to a diverse client base. They utilize Google Maps APIs to create tailored solutions that address real-world challenges across various industries, from transportation to urban planning. Their ability to integrate and manage location data effectively helps organizations optimize their operational strategies and make data-driven decisions.


  • Location Intelligence: Transforming location data into actionable insights for businesses.
  • Google Maps Platform Management: Optimization and management of Google Maps services.
  • ODIQ: A tool for traffic analysis and mobility insights.

Key Highlights:

  • Expertise in Google Environment APIs, including Address Validation and Google Earth Engine.
  • Provision of comprehensive location management solutions.
  • Significant experience in optimizing the cost and functionality of location-based services for various clients.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Prins Boudewijnlaan 41, 2650 Edegem
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +3233757030
  • Linkedin:


SIGGIS, based in Belgium, specializes in the integration, development, training, and support of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), operating not only locally but also in countries like Germany, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Africa. The company focuses on embedding spatial intelligence into the business processes of organizations, thereby optimizing various industry operations through geospatial insights. Their approach combines a pragmatic and target-oriented philosophy with a wide range of technical expertise to deliver tailored geospatial solutions that align closely with the specific needs of their clients.

The company offers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at maximizing the utility of GIS technologies across various sectors:


  • GIS Consultancy and System Integration: Helping organizations integrate GIS into their existing frameworks.
  • Geospatial Analysis and Data Processing: Turning spatial data into actionable insights.
  • Custom Application Development and Cartography: Developing specialized GIS applications and visual representations.

Key Highlights:

  • Extensive partnership network including Esri for robust GIS solutions.
  • Commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, backed by ISO 9001:2015 certification.
  • Active engagement in enhancing geospatial capabilities across public and private sectors through education and collaborative projects.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Bisdomplein 3, 9000 Ghent
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +3223008675

7. Nazka

Nazka, based in Leuven, Belgium, is a dynamic company specializing in creating interactive web applications for mapping and geospatial analysis. With a focus on making geodata more accessible and understandable, Nazka designs solutions that are user-friendly, catering to users without extensive backgrounds in geography. Their approach combines technical expertise with a project-wise support system, tailored to each customer’s needs. This makes them both a mapping expert and a partner, adept at handling complex digital mapping solutions and ensuring system compatibility to avoid technological lock-ins.

The company is deeply committed to societal impact, prioritizing projects that benefit society over purely economic objectives. Nazka targets pressing issues such as climate change, mobility, and health through their applications. This commitment is reflected in their business practices and the themes they choose to engage with, aiming to produce meaningful and lasting benefits for both current and future generations.

Nazka boasts a diverse and international team, including web developers, geographers, engineers, data scientists, and graphic designers. This multidisciplinary team is agile and adept in a variety of areas including mapping, open data, remote sensing, GIS, and web application development. Their innovative spirit is complemented by their methodical approach to project development, emphasizing detailed attention while maintaining a broad perspective on project goals and outcomes.


  • Customized Web Mapping: Development of bespoke mapping platforms that simplify data visualization and analysis.
  • Geospatial Data Integration: Seamlessly combines various data sources to provide comprehensive mapping solutions.
  • Remote Sensing and GIS Services: Utilizes the latest in GIS and remote sensing technologies to gather, analyze, and display spatial data.
  • Interactive Application Development: Creates interactive and engaging applications for web and mobile platforms.
  • Consultancy and Support: Offers expert advice and ongoing support to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of geospatial solutions.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Mapping Solutions: Focus on developing user-friendly web applications that make complex geodata accessible to non-experts.
  • Societal Impact: Committed to projects that provide societal benefits, addressing critical issues like climate change, health, and mobility.
  • Expertise in Geospatial Technologies: Extensive knowledge in GIS, remote sensing, and open data integration into functional applications.
  • Collaborative Approach: Works closely with clients and partners to tailor solutions that meet specific project needs and goals.
  • Sustainability Focus: Prioritizes environmentally and socially responsible projects and business practices.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Tiensevest 100, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32485383213
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

8. Avia-GIS

Avia-GIS, established in 2001 and based in Belgium, is a specialized company that focuses on spatial risk mapping and modeling to develop tailored spatial decision support systems. These systems are applied across various sectors including public health, animal health, crop health, and integrated pest management. With a unique position in the market, Avia-GIS collaborates closely with industrial, institutional, and academic partners, maintaining operations not only in Belgium but globally, with offices in South Africa and Guadeloupe.

The company enhances the ability of its clients to manage spatial risks effectively by translating client needs into cost-efficient and user-friendly tools. Their offerings facilitate critical understanding and management of spatial risks, aiding researchers, decision-makers, and pest control operators. By integrating state-of-the-art technology including environmental monitoring via satellites and drones, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensor networks, Avia-GIS provides innovative solutions that minimize environmental impacts while enhancing decision-making processes.

Avia-GIS’s commitment to advancing their field is evidenced by their development of proprietary products such as VECMAP and SMARTSENZ, which focus on risk mapping and pest monitoring respectively. These products are part of a broader strategy to offer end-to-end solutions from risk assessment to the deployment of integrated pest management strategies, supporting sustainable practices in various industries.


  • Spatial Risk Mapping and Modeling: Creating decision support systems that help manage risks in public, animal, and crop health.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Using advanced technologies for precise environmental and pest monitoring.
  • Consulting and Research: Offering expertise to optimize products and services through detailed spatial analysis and consulting.

Key Highlights:

  • Unique Market Position: Specialized in spatial risk mapping with extensive global reach.
  • Advanced Technology Integration: Utilizes satellites, drones, and IoT to enhance spatial decision-making.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Focuses on minimizing environmental impact through innovative technologies.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Risschotlei 33, 2980 Zoersel, Belgium
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32 3 458 29 79
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:

9. Eurosense

Eurosense, established in 1964, has cemented its position as a leading provider of aerial surveying, remote sensing, and geo-data services across Europe. With its headquarters in Belgium, the company operates through multiple offices in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania. Eurosense specializes in a broad spectrum of services including high-resolution photogrammetric imagery, aerial LiDAR, 3D modeling, aerial thermography, change detection, trees inventory and health analysis, and GIS-consultancy.

The company excels in producing high-quality geographical information from spaceborne and airborne remote sensing sources. By processing this data internally, Eurosense ensures the highest standards of quality, precision, and reliability. Their approach involves the continual adoption of new technologies to stay at the forefront of the geo-information services industry. This proactive stance enables Eurosense to swiftly adapt to evolving market demands and technology advancements.

Eurosense’s comprehensive suite of services supports both public and private sector clients across diverse industries such as architecture, construction, engineering, telecommunications, utilities, and solar industries. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and extensive geographical coverage, Eurosense delivers customized solutions that effectively address the specific needs of its clients, ensuring that their geo-data applications are both efficient and impactful.


  • Aerial Imagery and Photogrammetry: Offering detailed and high-resolution images for precise mapping and analysis.
  • LiDAR and 3D Modeling: Providing detailed terrain and elevation data crucial for various analytical and planning purposes.
  • GIS Consultancy and Spatial Analysis: Delivering expert advice and analytical services to harness the full potential of geographical data.
  • Change Detection and Environmental Monitoring: Utilizing advanced remote sensing technology to monitor environmental changes and assess risks.
  • Tree Inventory and Health Analysis: Specializing in the assessment of vegetation health and management of urban and rural green spaces.

Key Highlights:

  • Pioneering in Aerial Surveying and Remote Sensing: Eurosense is renowned for its advanced aerial surveying techniques and high-resolution imagery.
  • Extensive Geographic Reach: With operations in over nine countries, Eurosense offers localized expertise coupled with a broad operational scope.
  • Diverse Industry Applications: The company caters to a wide array of sectors, providing specialized services tailored to each industry’s needs.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Nerviërslaan 54, 1780 Wemmel, BELGIUM
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32.2.460.70.00
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:

10. Telespazio Belgium

Telespazio Belgium, a subsidiary of the Leonardo and Thales groups, is recognized as a global leader in satellite systems and operations, geospatial information services, and satellite communications. The company plays a pivotal role in the development of integrated satellite systems, focusing on the ground segment for navigation and earth observation programs. It provides comprehensive services during launch, post-launch, and routine operations, ensuring effective in-orbit control of satellites. This robust involvement in satellite systems underscores Telespazio Belgium’s critical position in global space operations and communications.

In the realm of geospatial services, Telespazio Belgium stands out as a major supplier, offering solutions that range from environmental monitoring to maritime surveillance and disaster response mapping. The company leverages advanced data acquisition and analysis technologies to deliver actionable insights, supporting a wide array of client needs across public and private sectors. Their commitment to translating complex spatial data into understandable and practical information epitomizes their dedication to enhancing geo-information accessibility and utility.

Additionally, Telespazio Belgium’s expertise extends to satellite communications, where they provide state-of-the-art solutions tailored to the needs of business, military, and institutional clients. Through their work, Telespazio Belgium not only contributes to technological advancements but also ensures that their solutions promote safety, efficiency, and connectivity, enhancing the capabilities of their diverse clientele. This comprehensive service offering, combined with a deep commitment to quality and innovation, positions Telespazio Belgium at the forefront of the aerospace and geospatial industries.


  • Satellite Systems and Operations: Specializing in the development and management of satellite systems for navigation and earth observation.
  • Geo Information Services: Delivering solutions for spatial risk assessment, environmental monitoring, and geospatial data analysis.
  • Satellite Communications: Providing advanced communication services that ensure robust connectivity and data transmission capabilities.

Key Highlights:

  • Expertise in Integrated Satellite Systems: Development of ground segments for major navigation and earth observation programs.
  • Advanced Geospatial Solutions: Provision of comprehensive geo-information services that cater to various sectors including environmental monitoring and quick mapping for disaster response.
  • Leadership in Satellite Communications: Offering cutting-edge communication solutions that meet the rigorous demands of business, military, and institutional clients.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Rue devant les Hêtres, 2, B-6890 Libin (Transinne), BELGIUM
  • Contact Email:
  • Phone Number: +32(0)61 230 004
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

11. Orbit GT

Orbit GT, a Belgian company with a strong heritage in geospatial technology, stands out in the industry for its comprehensive 3D mapping software suite known as Orbit 3D Mapping Portfolio. This suite allows users to manage, analyze, and share a vast array of reality data, including point clouds, imagery, and traditional GIS resources. With these tools, Orbit GT supports engineers, geospatial professionals, and infrastructure operators in integrating digital twins and reality modeling into their workflows, enhancing accuracy and efficiency across various project stages.

The company emphasizes the ability to handle data from any source, whether outdoor, indoor, underground, or aerial, maintaining compatibility across different data collection methods. This flexibility extends to the software’s support for various mapping systems, positioning Orbit GT as a versatile solution in the geospatial sector. Their software facilitates the organization, management, and enhancement of 3D data, which is critical for users needing to merge and optimize data from diverse origins for complex projects.

Furthermore, Orbit GT provides powerful publishing tools through its Orbit 3DM Publisher and 3DM Cloud services, which allow for the sharing and integration of 3D mapping data online. This capability ensures that users can access and utilize their geospatial data through web browsers, mobile devices, or integrated within other software systems using SDKs, thereby maximizing the reach and applicability of geospatial data across industries.


  • Data Management: Organizes and enhances 3D mapping data for various uses, from project planning to execution.
  • Feature Extraction: Advanced tools for extracting precise features from complex datasets, aiding in updating GIS/CAD content and producing 3D maps.
  • Online Publishing: Enables users to publish and access their geospatial data online, enhancing collaboration and accessibility.

Key Highlights:

  • Offers a comprehensive suite for managing, analyzing, and sharing 3D mapping data.
  • Supports data from any mapping system and enhances data compatibility and usability.
  • Provides powerful tools for online publishing and sharing of geospatial data.

Contact Information:

  • Website:


Belgium is home to a vibrant and innovative geospatial sector, characterized by a range of companies that excel in various aspects of geospatial technology. These companies leverage Belgium’s rich cartographic history and technological prowess to offer advanced solutions that encompass everything from satellite imagery and aerial surveying to sophisticated GIS (Geographic Information Systems) applications and 3D modeling. The companies in this sector are known for their ability to integrate high-resolution data collection with robust analytical tools, providing essential services that support urban planning, environmental management, defense, and telecommunications among other industries.

These top geospatial companies in Belgium are not only leaders in technological innovation but also in their approach to global market challenges. With a strong emphasis on research and development, they continuously push the boundaries of what can be achieved with geospatial data, ensuring their solutions offer both precision and scalability. The blend of traditional mapping techniques with modern data processing capabilities allows these companies to deliver tailored, customer-centric solutions that drive efficiency and decision-making in various sectors, marking Belgium as a significant player in the global geospatial landscape.
