FlyPix AI

Top Geospatial Companies in Israel

Israel stands as a hub of innovation and technological advancement, particularly in the geospatial sector. This article delves into the top geospatial companies in Israel, highlighting their contributions to both local and global markets. These companies not only excel in providing cutting-edge geospatial solutions but also play significant roles in sectors such as defense, agriculture, urban planning, and environmental management. Let’s explore the unique technologies and services that make these companies stand out in the international arena.

1. FlyPix AI

At FlyPix AI, we are at the cutting edge of geospatial technologies, leveraging artificial intelligence to transform object detection, localization, tracking, and monitoring. Our solutions are designed to convert complex imagery into actionable, geo-referenced insights, aiding various industries in better understanding and utilizing their spatial data. Our platform integrates advanced AI algorithms with an extensive library of models to deliver precise and efficient results tailored to specific needs, whether it’s environmental monitoring, urban planning, or critical infrastructure analysis.

We are committed to driving innovation in the geospatial field. Our technologies enable detailed object analysis and dynamic tracking, enhancing decision-making processes and operational efficiencies across multiple sectors. By providing a user-friendly interface and cost-effective data solutions, we ensure that our clients can easily access and utilize geospatial data to its full potential. Furthermore, our systems are designed for integration, allowing for seamless connectivity with existing technological infrastructures, which facilitates a broader adoption of advanced geospatial analytics.

Our approach is centered around the adaptability and customization of our solutions to meet the diverse requirements of our clientele, which includes governments, construction firms, energy providers, and more. By continuously evolving our technology and expanding our service offerings, we strive to maintain a competitive edge and deliver unparalleled value to our users. We ensure security and precision in all our deployments, reflecting our commitment to quality and client satisfaction.

Key Highlights:

  • Advanced AI integration for object detection and analysis
  • High adaptability to various industry needs
  • User-friendly interface and seamless system integration capabilities
  • Strong focus on security and data precision


  • AI-Enabled Object Detection and Localization
  • Detailed Object Analysis
  • Change and Anomaly Detection
  • Dynamic Tracking of Object Properties
  • Custom Solution Development for Industry-Specific Needs

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2. Albo Climate

At Albo Climate, we are pioneering the integration of AI and satellite technology to model carbon sequestration and land-use in both wild and cultivated ecosystems. Our team, composed of seasoned professionals from diverse scientific and business backgrounds, collaborates to scale nature-based solutions that contribute positively to the climate. With a focus on accuracy and innovation, we utilize next-generation technologies to visualize and quantify carbon sequestration processes, aiding global efforts towards a more sustainable future.

Our operations leverage deep learning algorithms and remote sensing data to provide detailed, continuous monitoring of carbon productivity across various ecosystems. This approach not only enhances our understanding of environmental impacts but also supports our clients in implementing more effective land management and carbon offsetting strategies. By transforming complex environmental data into actionable insights, we empower stakeholders to make informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.

The dedication to technological excellence and environmental responsibility is evident in our bespoke solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. From government bodies to private organizations, our services facilitate the advancement of environmental conservation projects, emphasizing transparency, reliability, and impact. Our ongoing research and development efforts ensure that we remain at the forefront of environmental and geospatial sciences, continually refining our methodologies to support the dynamic field of climate action.

Key Highlights:

  • Pioneering AI and satellite technology for environmental solutions
  • Expertise in carbon sequestration modeling and land-use analysis
  • Strong commitment to sustainability and climate-positive initiatives


  • AI-powered spatial and temporal monitoring of ecosystems
  • Satellite imagery analysis for environmental and geospatial data
  • Customized deep learning algorithms for continuous carbon productivity monitoring

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Urban Place – Shalom Tower Tel Aviv Israel
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3. Asterra

Asterra harnesses the power of synthetic aperture radar and patented AI algorithms to provide unparalleled insights into subterranean phenomena, focusing on improving sustainability and efficiency in water and infrastructure management. Their technology allows for the detection of leaks, assessment of pipelines, and monitoring of soil moisture, offering actionable intelligence without the need to disturb the ground. This capability proves invaluable in conserving water resources and optimizing maintenance schedules across various industries.

The company actively contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through its solutions like Asterra Recover, which helps reduce real water loss by accurately locating leaks in water systems. Furthermore, Asterra EarthWorks provides essential data for maintaining critical infrastructure such as dams and roads, safeguarding them against potential failures through continuous monitoring. Their technological suite, including the comprehensive data platform EO Discover, centralizes all project data, offering easy access to insights that drive decision-making processes.

Asterra’s impact is global, providing solutions that span across public and private sectors, with applications ranging from urban planning to environmental conservation. Their innovative approach not only addresses immediate operational needs but also caters to the long-term sustainability goals of their clients, positioning Asterra as a leader in geospatial technology that sees below the surface to understand and solve complex environmental challenges.

Key Highlights:

  • Pioneering use of synthetic aperture radar for subterranean analysis.
  • Significant contribution to water conservation and infrastructure safety.
  • Comprehensive data integration through the EO Discover platform.


  • Leak detection and pipeline assessment for water and wastewater utilities.
  • Soil moisture monitoring to support agricultural and infrastructural integrity.
  • Custom AI-driven analytics for targeted, industry-specific applications.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Atir Yeda St. 1, O-Tech Building 2, 5th floor, Kfar Saba 4464301, Israel
  • Phone: +972.9.8618242
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
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4. CropX

CropX stands as a pivotal force in revolutionizing agronomy through digital farming solutions. The company’s emphasis on developing easy-to-use yet profound agricultural technologies enables it to support sustainable farming practices across the globe. CropX’s system integrates data from various sources, including soil sensors and satellite imagery, to provide farmers with actionable insights that enhance productivity and sustainability on their farms. This synthesis of data helps in managing resources more efficiently, leading to significant improvements in crop yields and reduced environmental impact.

In a step towards greater transparency and connectivity, CropX has expanded its reach through strategic acquisitions across the United States, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. These acquisitions have not only broadened the technological capabilities of CropX but also deepened its expertise in specific areas such as effluent management and precision irrigation. With a team that spans continents, CropX leverages global knowledge and local expertise to advance its mission of enhancing agricultural productivity.

The foundation of CropX was laid with a commitment to innovation and sustainability. Originating in New Zealand and later moving to Israel, the company has been at the forefront of incorporating advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to interpret complex agricultural data. This commitment is reflected in their continuous efforts to develop and refine their digital farming solutions, making significant strides towards achieving food security and ecological health on a global scale.

Key Highlights:

  • Integration of advanced technology to provide comprehensive agronomic solutions.
  • Global presence with strategic acquisitions enhancing technological and market reach.
  • Commitment to sustainability and food security through innovative digital farming practices.


  • Advanced soil sensor technology and digital platform for data-driven farming insights.
  • Customizable solutions for irrigation management, disease control, and nutrition monitoring.
  • Effluent irrigation management for sustainable water usage in agriculture.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Giborei Israel 5, Netanya, PO BOX 6256, 4250405
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:

5. HERE Technologies

HERE Technologies excels as a global provider of location data and technology services. Their platform transforms vast amounts of raw data into valuable geospatial insights, leveraging advanced location-based services to enable enterprises across various industries to make smarter decisions. With a robust suite of tools, HERE offers solutions that enhance navigational capabilities, optimize logistical operations, and provide comprehensive environmental mapping that helps companies streamline their operations and planning processes.

HERE’s technological infrastructure is notable for its extensive coverage, including detailed mapping of over 200 countries and territories. This global reach is supported by a vast supply base that includes millions of connected vehicles, contributing to a dynamic and continuously updated view of the world. HERE Technologies stands out in the field by handling billions of API calls each month, which demonstrates the scalability and reliability of its platform.

The company is deeply committed to innovation, developing solutions that support sustainable development and smart city initiatives around the world. Their applications and services are designed not only to improve business outcomes but also to contribute positively to environmental and societal goals. HERE continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in geospatial technology, driving advancements that merge physical and digital geographical data in unprecedented ways.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive global coverage in mapping and location data across over 200 countries.
  • Handling billions of API calls per month, indicating robust platform capacity and reliability.
  • Strong focus on sustainable development and smart city initiatives.


  • Advanced mapping and location data services, including real-time traffic and environmental data.
  • Industry-specific solutions for automotive, logistics, urban planning, and more.
  • Development tools for building custom applications using HERE’s APIs and SDKs.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
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6. ImageSat International (ISI)

ImageSat International (ISI) stands out as a leader in the field of space-based intelligence, offering advanced satellite systems and AI-powered intelligence solutions. Over two decades, ISI has equipped defense and security organizations worldwide with tools to address critical mission challenges. Their commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology with operational expertise allows them to deliver solutions that enhance situational awareness and strategic decision-making.

ISI’s capabilities include the EROS NG™ Constellation, which features ultra-high-resolution, military-grade satellites designed for intelligence collection. This constellation underscores ISI’s role in providing global coverage with unprecedented accuracy and detail. Furthermore, their satellite services are tailored to meet the stringent requirements of defense and intelligence operations, ensuring data confidentiality and mission-specific utility.

In addition to satellite imagery, ISI incorporates AI and machine learning to offer more dynamic and contextually aware intelligence solutions. Their ground segment solutions, based on decades of operational experience, support strategic intelligence missions worldwide, demonstrating ISI’s ability to manage complex data and intelligence tasks effectively. This combination of advanced satellite technology and robust analytical capabilities positions ISI as a crucial player in the geospatial intelligence sector.

Key Highlights:

  • Long-standing provider of space-based intelligence solutions.
  • Advanced satellite systems with global intelligence collection capabilities.
  • Integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced intelligence analysis.


  • Satellite imagery collection and analysis.
  • AI-powered analytics solutions for defense and intelligence.
  • Ground segment solutions for command and control of intelligence missions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: ImageSat International (ISI) , 6 Yoni Netanyahu St. Or Yehuda, Israel, 6037604
  • Phone: +972-3-7960600
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:

7. Kaplan Open Source Consulting

Kaplan Open Source Consulting specializes in providing comprehensive open source consulting services, focusing on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and open source infrastructure technologies. They guide organizations, ranging from startups to governmental bodies, through the intricacies of open source adoption and management. Their Open Source Program Office (OSPO) handles various aspects, including technology, organization, marketing, human resources, and legal matters, in collaboration with top lawyers in Israel.

Their services extend to creating interactive maps that allow easy access to geographic and spatial information, tailored to the specific needs and user base of their clients. These maps are optimized for quick loading times and compatibility with various devices, ensuring efficient usability across web and mobile platforms. Kaplan’s commitment to leveraging open source tools enables them to offer versatile and adaptive mapping solutions.

Kaplan’s involvement in transportation analytics and GIS integration demonstrates their capability in handling complex data sets and providing actionable insights. They utilize open-source tools to analyze transportation data, facilitating public access to this information through platforms like OpenStreetMap (OSM). Their work with OSM ensures that data is continually updated and accessible, reflecting their expertise in geospatial data management and application development.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in GIS and open source infrastructure.
  • Provides comprehensive services through their Open Source Program Office.
  • Expertise in creating interactive, user-friendly maps for diverse applications.


  • Open source consulting and technology development with a focus on GIS.
  • Interactive mapping services for web and mobile platforms.
  • Transportation analytics and public data accessibility services.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Kaplan Open Source Consulting Ltd. PO Box 4058, Ramat Gan 521400
  • Phone: +972-52-2235911

8. PlanetWatchers

PlanetWatchers is a geospatial analytics company dedicated to transforming the agricultural insurance sector through advanced satellite monitoring and data analysis technologies. They specialize in synthesizing complex remote sensing data to provide clear, actionable insights that help crop insurers save time and money by automating policy data capture and claims validation processes. Their services are tailored to address the unique challenges faced by the agricultural sector, emphasizing efficiency and reliability in data handling and claims assessment.

The company’s expertise lies in its ability to analyze and interpret satellite imagery to monitor crop health and detect changes over time. This capability allows for precise assessment of acreage and crop condition, facilitating swift and accurate claims processing for insurers. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, PlanetWatchers offers solutions that enhance the transparency and traceability of crop management practices, thereby fostering a more secure and predictable agricultural insurance landscape.

In addition to its core services, PlanetWatchers is committed to continuous innovation and improvement. They engage in ongoing research and development to refine their algorithms and expand their service offerings, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the geospatial analytics field. Their proactive approach in adapting to industry changes and technological advancements underscores their role as a key player in the integration of geospatial technologies within the agricultural sector.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in satellite monitoring and geospatial data analysis.
  • Focuses on automating agricultural insurance processes.
  • Dedicated to enhancing transparency and efficiency in crop management.


  • Satellite imagery analysis for crop health monitoring.
  • Automated data capture for agricultural insurance policies.
  • Claims validation and processing based on precise data analysis.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Phone: +972-52-2235911

9. Sivan Design

Sivan Design, established in 1996, has emerged as a key player in the geospatial sector, specializing in integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) technology with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for land and cadastral management. Their approach combines sophisticated 3D GIS applications and civil engineering software to support national scale land projects, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing infrastructure management through technology.

The company has developed a reputation for delivering comprehensive GIS solutions tailored to the specific needs of their clients, which include governments and private sector entities involved in land, roads, and infrastructure projects. These solutions are designed to improve the management and planning of land assets and infrastructure, ensuring that projects are both efficient and effective. Sivan Design’s services are particularly distinguished by their turnkey solutions, providing end-to-end project execution that aligns closely with clients’ operational workflows.

Sivan Design’s product offerings include the innovative CivilCAD software, which is designed for civil engineering professionals. This software suite facilitates more precise designing and surveying by incorporating unique and professional tools that cater to the diverse needs of the civil engineering industry. Additionally, the company’s GeoERP integrates GIS with ERP capabilities to manage land and property data effectively, enhancing decision-making processes for land administration and urban planning.

Key Highlights:

  • Expertise in integrating GIS with ERP for land and cadastral management.
  • Provider of comprehensive and customizable geospatial solutions.
  • Developer of CivilCAD, a leading software for civil engineering professionals.


  • Turnkey geospatial solutions for national asset management.
  • Customized GIS services for land, roads, and infrastructure projects.
  • Professional services including project implementation, data transfer, and system customization.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Sivan Design D.S Ltd, 5 Hatidhar Street 4366507 Ra’anana, Israel P.O Box 3019
  • Phone: +972-9-7778100
  • Email:
  • Facebookl:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:

10. Taranis

Taranis specializes in providing advanced agricultural insights using AI and high-resolution imaging technology. Established by four friends with a blend of agricultural backgrounds and technical expertise, Taranis aims to transform agricultural advisory services by offering detailed, leaf-level data analysis. This approach enables advisors to cover more ground efficiently, providing precise and actionable insights to growers which can significantly enhance agricultural productivity and decision-making processes.

The company prides itself on its ability to deliver comprehensive solutions that extend beyond simple data collection. By integrating AI-powered analysis with detailed imagery, Taranis provides a depth of insight at a micro level previously unavailable to agricultural professionals. This capability allows for a granular examination of crop health, identifying issues such as nutrient deficiencies, pest infestations, and water stress before they impact yield significantly.

Taranis’s services are designed to streamline the workflow of agricultural advisors and growers. Through their platform, users can prioritize attention to fields based on detailed, real-time data, enabling quicker and more informed decision-making. This not only helps in maximizing yield but also aids in the efficient management of agricultural inputs, ultimately contributing to sustainable farming practices and enhanced profitability for growers.

Key Highlights:

  • Pioneers in integrating AI with high-resolution crop imagery.
  • Focus on providing detailed, actionable agricultural insights.
  • Offers solutions that enhance productivity and decision-making for growers and advisors.


  • AI-powered crop monitoring and analysis.
  • High-resolution, leaf-level imaging for precise crop health assessment.
  • Real-time data-driven insights for agricultural decision support.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 3 Habarzel St. Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6971005
  • Email:
  • Facebookl:
  • Instagram:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:


Israel has become a hub for geospatial innovation, with numerous companies at the forefront of integrating geospatial data with cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, and advanced analytics. These companies excel in providing comprehensive solutions that cater to a variety of sectors including agriculture, defense, urban planning, and environmental management. Their expertise in transforming raw data into actionable insights enables more precise decision-making across these industries, driving efficiencies and enhancing the capabilities of traditional systems through the incorporation of spatial analysis and digital mapping.

The influence of these top geospatial companies extends globally, offering tools and insights that not only cater to local needs but also solve complex geographical challenges on an international scale. With a focus on sustainability and technological advancement, Israeli geospatial firms are set to continue their growth, influencing how geospatial data is utilized to optimize processes, predict outcomes, and understand spatial environments. Their ongoing innovation and development in the geospatial field position Israel as a key player in shaping the future of global geospatial technologies.
