FlyPix AI

Leading Geospatial Companies in London

London, a hub of innovation and technology, is home to some of the world’s leading geospatial companies. These firms specialize in harnessing the power of geographic data to transform industries ranging from urban planning to transportation. This article highlights the top geospatial companies in London, detailing their contributions to advancing this critical field and how they stand out in the global geospatial landscape. Whether you’re a professional in the field or simply curious about geospatial technology, these companies are at the forefront of turning complex geographic data into actionable insights.

1. FlyPix AI

At FlyPix AI, we are dedicated to transforming the landscape of geospatial technology through our advanced AI-enabled solutions. Our focus is on enhancing object detection, localization, tracking, and monitoring to convert complex imagery into actionable, geo-referenced insights. This capability enables us to serve a diverse range of industries including government, agriculture, and urban planning, where precision and efficiency in data handling are crucial.

Our technology leverages a vast library of AI models to deliver superior performance in object detection and area localization, which is critical for industries requiring detailed analysis and monitoring of geographic areas. By integrating our solutions into their operations, our clients can perform detailed object analysis, detect changes and anomalies over time, and dynamically track object properties or locations with unmatched accuracy. This allows for more informed decision-making and operational enhancements across various sectors.

Furthermore, our AI-driven geospatial solutions are designed with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that all users, regardless of their technical expertise, can easily visualize and report geospatial data. Our platform not only offers significant cost and time savings by enabling remote inspections and analyses but also provides a competitive edge through quick and powerful insights generated by our deep learning technology.

At FlyPix AI, we are not just a provider of geospatial solutions; we are innovators and partners to our clients, helping them to tailor solutions to meet their unique industry needs. Our commitment extends beyond providing tools and services, as we strive to empower organizations through training and customized support, ensuring they maximize the benefits of our advanced geospatial technologies.

Key Highlights:

  • Advanced AI-driven geospatial solutions for object detection, localization, and tracking.
  • Comprehensive analysis capabilities for a variety of industries including government, agriculture, and urban development.
  • User-friendly interface that simplifies the visualization and reporting of geospatial data.
  • Cost-effective solutions that enhance operational efficiency and provide competitive advantages.


  • AI-Enabled Object Detection and Localization: Utilizing AI models to detect and localize objects and areas with high precision.
  • Detailed Object Analysis: Providing insights into object properties such as type, area, size, and more.
  • Change and Anomaly Detection: Monitoring area changes over time and identifying unusual patterns in aerial imaging.
  • Dynamic Tracking: Tracking changes in object properties or locations using advanced AI algorithms.
  • Custom Use Cases: Developing tailored solutions to meet specific industry needs and challenges.

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2. Pupil

Pupil has positioned itself as a leader in geospatial technology with a specific focus on transforming how real estate spaces are captured and understood. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, the company digitizes physical spaces into precise, digital formats, making significant contributions to the geospatial industry. The company’s innovative approach includes capturing rich, accurate 3D datasets of real-world spaces, which are then processed using proprietary cloud-based architecture and computer vision algorithms. This technology facilitates the creation of millimeter-accurate digital reconstructions of spaces, enhancing the value and utility of real estate data across various industry applications.

Key Highlights:

  • Pioneering accurate 3D digital reconstructions of real-world spaces.
  • Comprehensive data verification and security throughout the data handling process.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning integration for enhanced spatial analysis.
  • Strong commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions in the real estate industry.


  • Spatial Data Origination: Capturing and generating volumetric and image-based spatial datasets.
  • Cloud Processing: Utilizing cloud architecture to process and refine spatial data into digital formats.
  • AI-Enhanced Scene Understanding: Developing machine learning models for advanced spatial data interpretation.
  • Digital Twin Creation: Building precise digital replicas of physical spaces for various industry uses.

Contact Information:

  • Website:

3. PlanetWatchers

PlanetWatchers specializes in satellite-based monitoring solutions tailored primarily for the agricultural sector, particularly crop insurers. They utilize advanced synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology to provide robust analytics capable of operating in all weather conditions, day or night. This technology allows for the efficient and reliable monitoring of agricultural lands, aiding in the automation of policy data capture and the validation of claims. Their services help insurers save time and money by reducing the need for physical travel and manual inspections, thus streamlining the claims process.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in SAR technology for all-weather, all-time monitoring.
  • Focuses on providing services to the agricultural sector, particularly crop insurers.
  • Utilizes advanced geospatial analytics to automate data capture and claim validation.
  • Aids in significantly reducing the need for physical field inspections.


  • Acreage Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of crop acreage to ensure accurate data for policy management.
  • Claims Management: Automation of claims validation process to expedite settlements and reduce disputes.
  • Geospatial Analytics: Provides detailed insights into crop health and land use changes over time.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
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  • Linkedin:

4. Satellite Vu

Satellite Vu is a pioneering company based in London, focused on providing high-resolution thermal imaging data from space to support sustainable practices and inform climate action globally. The firm specializes in capturing thermal data to assess energy efficiency and monitor human activities affecting the environment. Their unique capability to deliver thermal imagery with unprecedented resolution helps organizations worldwide to monitor environmental changes, enhance urban planning, and implement energy-efficient measures.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in high-resolution thermal imagery from space.
  • Empowers climate action and sustainable practices globally.
  • Provides data with unparalleled accuracy and detail.
  • Offers real-time monitoring and analysis capabilities.


  • Climate Solutions: Utilizes thermal data to support environmental and climate resilience projects.
  • Defense and Intelligence: Supplies critical data for security and surveillance.
  • Built Environment: Aids in urban planning and infrastructure development.
  • Industrial Activity Monitoring: Enables efficient observation and management of industrial operations.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
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5. Tamoco

Tamoco leverages advanced geospatial data to enhance understanding of location dynamics across various industries. With a focus on delivering precise location intelligence, Tamoco provides organizations with the tools to understand the “where,” “when,” and “why” of human and asset interactions. Their technology processes vast amounts of data to offer insights that aid businesses in making informed decisions. Operating globally, Tamoco’s services are essential in sectors such as marketing, real estate, and urban planning, providing a critical edge in spatial analytics.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in high-precision location intelligence.
  • Processes extensive geospatial data for diverse industries.
  • Offers powerful tools for real-time location analytics.
  • Utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver actionable insights.


  • Geospatial Data Analysis: Provides comprehensive analysis of location-based data.
  • Location Intelligence Solutions: Offers solutions to enhance marketing, planning, and strategy development.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Delivers real-time insights for immediate decision-making.
  • Industry-Specific Applications: Tailors geospatial solutions for specific sectors such as retail and real estate.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 4 Bloomsbury Place London, UK WC1A 2QA
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Facebook:

6. Kamma

Kamma is a pioneering company in the realm of environmental property profiling, providing critical data services to enhance property compliance and environmental standards. Their technology delivers real-time, actionable insights into various aspects of property regulations and environmental impacts at both portfolio and individual property levels. Their innovative solutions assist partners in navigating and adhering to the latest climate-related financial disclosure requirements, crucial for companies mandated to declare their climate-related financial risks and opportunities under new UK regulations.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in real-time property data analysis.
  • Supports the transition to Net Zero by providing environmental impact assessments.
  • Collaborates with industry leaders and is supported by notable entities like Geovation and HM Land Registry.
  • Engages in significant partnerships to enhance regulatory compliance and environmental profiling.


  • Environmental Property Profiling: Offers detailed assessments of property compliance with environmental standards.
  • Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Support: Provides data services to aid in mandatory financial disclosure related to climate impacts.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Solutions: Helps clients navigate complex property regulations and licensing requirements.
  • Real-Time Data Services: Delivers up-to-the-minute insights on property standards and regulations.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Kamma Limited, Thanet House, 231-232 Strand, London, WC2R 1DA, United Kingdom
  • Phone: +44 (0) 203 872 2940
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Facebook:


AVUXI specializes in providing geospatial data and solutions, focusing primarily on enhancing decision-making for travel, real estate, and housing sectors through their comprehensive geospatial analytics tools. Their technology integrates geo-tagged BigData from various sources, analyzing and processing this information to offer precise and actionable insights on locations worldwide. This capability allows users to understand the social highlights of cities and neighborhoods, aiding significantly in accommodation and property decisions.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in processing and analyzing geo-tagged BigData.
  • Offers a wide range of geospatial solutions tailored for travel, real estate, and housing on demand.
  • Utilizes proprietary algorithms to rate and generate GeoPopularity scores.
  • Provides insights that help businesses and consumers make informed decisions quickly.


  • TopPlace™ Location Pages: Integrates all essential location information into a single page, enhancing user experience on client websites.
  • TopPlace™ Location Scores: Offers detailed assessments of locations based on social activity, points of interest, and public transport accessibility.
  • TopPlace™ Location Descriptions: Automates the generation of descriptive content for locations, improving SEO and reducing workload.
  • TopPlace™ Map Layers: Displays dynamic map layers that show the best areas in chosen categories, enhancing visualization for end-users.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
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  • Linkedin:
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8. VertiGIS

VertiGIS offers comprehensive enterprise spatial management solutions designed to enhance the visibility and management of assets across various industries globally. They provide a suite of tools that allow businesses to leverage geospatial data effectively, helping to solve complex challenges through enhanced visualization and strategic asset management. Their solutions are crafted to serve diverse sectors such as public utilities, telecommunications, and infrastructure management, aiming to streamline operations and promote efficient resource utilization.

Key Highlights:

  • Provides industry-specific geospatial solutions enhancing asset management and operational visibility.
  • Offers tools for public sector, telecommunications, utilities, and infrastructure, catering to a broad range of geospatial needs.
  • Employs powerful, configurable tools that integrate with Esri’s ArcGIS®.
  • Extensive global presence with offices in 23 countries, serving over 5,200 customers.


  • Geospatial Data Visualization and Management: Optimizing the use of geospatial data for infrastructure, public sector efficiencies, and utility management.
  • Custom Application Development: Enabling businesses to build and configure spatial applications tailored to their specific needs.
  • Support and Training: Providing robust support and training services to maximize the utility of their geospatial solutions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: C/O Tmf Group 13th Floor, One Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HJ
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Instagram:

9. Pointr

Pointr is at the forefront of the geospatial industry, specializing in advanced location-based solutions that enhance the experiences and operational efficiency of venues across various sectors. Their innovative platform, known for its precision and scalability, provides indoor mapping, navigation, and location analytics, leveraging Deep Location® technology to offer unparalleled accuracy and integration capabilities. By focusing on industries such as healthcare, retail, and aviation, Pointr delivers tailored solutions that not only improve user engagement but also facilitate operational decision-making through real-time analytics.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in indoor mapping, navigation, and location analytics.
  • Utilizes Deep Location® technology for superior accuracy and scalability.
  • Offers tailored solutions for various industries including healthcare, retail, and aviation.
  • Employs geofence management tools for targeted content delivery.


  • Indoor Mapping: Provides interactive indoor maps for various venues to enhance visitor experience.
  • Geofencing: Delivers personalized content through sophisticated geofence management tools.
  • Indoor Navigation: Guides visitors with personalized navigation using AR and Bluetooth beacons.
  • Location Analytics: Offers real-time analytics to support data-driven operational decisions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Office 214 – Pavilion Club, 96 Kensington High Street, London, W8 4SG
  • Email:
  • Phone: 44-(0)2087207087
  • Twitter:

10. GIS Cloud

GIS Cloud is a prominent provider of geospatial services based in London, focusing on collaborative mapping and real-time data management. They offer a comprehensive suite of tools that allow users to collect, manage, and analyze geographical data effectively. By integrating field data collection with dynamic online and offline map editing and sharing capabilities, GIS Cloud supports various industries including government, civil engineering, and utilities, enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making processes. Their platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making geospatial data handling more intuitive for professionals across different sectors.

Key Highlights:

  • Provides a comprehensive platform for real-time mapping and data collection.
  • Supports both online and offline data management and collection.
  • Offers a range of tools for geospatial data analysis and team collaboration.
  • Ensures high data security and user privacy with robust infrastructure.


  • Mobile Data Collection: Enables field workers to collect and report data using custom survey forms, supporting both online and offline functionalities.
  • Map Editor: Allows engineers and managers to create, style, and manage maps and data, facilitating team and project management.
  • Map Viewer: Decision-makers can access updated and accurate maps for better project oversight and decision-making.
  • Map Portal: Public users can access maps through a branded and customized portal, enhancing community engagement and data accessibility.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Cheapside 107, EC2V 6DN London, UK
  • Email:
  • Phone: +44-207-617-7016
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:
  • Linkedin:

11. Vercator

Vercator offers a cloud-based platform for efficient point cloud data processing, catering to a variety of industries including surveying, construction, and engineering. Their technology simplifies the handling of large-scale data captured from the physical world, allowing for rapid alignment, classification, and analysis. This enables users to extract valuable insights quickly without the need for extensive manual intervention. Vercator’s service is designed to support professionals who require precise and scalable solutions for managing complex datasets, enhancing productivity and reducing time spent on data processing tasks.

Key Highlights:

  • Offers a cloud-based solution for processing point cloud data with high efficiency.
  • Provides services that require minimal manual intervention, saving time and resources.
  • Supports a variety of industries, including surveying, construction, and engineering.
  • Delivers tools for data registration and classification to streamline workflows.


  • Point Cloud Registration: Automatically aligns point cloud data without the need for artificial scan targets.
  • Point Cloud Classification: Segments and classifies point cloud data into different categories and instances for easier analysis.
  • Data Processing for Surveyors: Offers a suite of tools designed to aid surveyors in delivering accurate and efficient data.
  • Construction and Engineering Support: Facilitates the processing of point cloud data for large-scale construction and engineering projects, ensuring reliability and precision.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Correvate Limited, 190 Clarence Gate Gardens, LONDON, NW1 6AD
  • Email:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:
  • Linkedin:

12. Emu Analytics

Emu Analytics is a dynamic UK-based company specializing in real-time geospatial and temporal analytics applications. With a focus on creating cloud-based Digital Twins for transport operations and infrastructure, Emu Analytics leverages advanced technology to provide actionable insights that enhance operational efficiencies and decision-making processes. Founded in 2015, the company has quickly established itself as a leader in its field, continually recognized for its innovative solutions and impactful contributions to the geospatial industry.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in real-time geospatial and temporal analytics.
  • Develops cloud-based Digital Twins for transport operations and infrastructure.
  • Recognized for innovation with multiple awards and accolades.
  • Founded by a team of experienced professionals dedicated to advancing the geospatial capabilities of various industries.


  • Real-Time Geospatial Analytics: Provides dynamic visualization and analytics for transport and infrastructure sectors.
  • Digital Twins Creation: Develops digital replicas of physical assets to monitor, simulate, and analyze real-world conditions.
  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Offers scalable solutions that utilize cloud computing for enhanced data processing and storage.
  • Temporal Analytics Applications: Enables businesses to track changes over time and forecast future scenarios to make proactive decisions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 12 Finsbury Business Centre 40 Bowling Green Lane London EC1R 0NE
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

13. Carbonside

Carbonside specializes in climate commitment solutions, helping businesses streamline sustainability initiatives and enhance operational efficiency within the green economy. Leveraging technology to simplify carbon reporting and emissions tracking, Carbonside offers tools that integrate seamlessly into existing platforms, allowing companies to manage their environmental impact effectively. Their innovative approach provides comprehensive visibility into a company’s journey towards achieving net-zero emissions, fostering a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving sustainable business landscape.

Key Highlights:

  • Focuses on climate commitment and operational efficiency.
  • Provides tools for streamlined carbon reporting and emissions tracking.
  • Offers integration with existing platforms for ease of emissions management.
  • Supports businesses in achieving net-zero emissions efficiently.


  • Carbon Reporting: Simplifies the process of tracking and reporting carbon emissions.
  • Sustainability Integration: Integrates sustainability tracking into existing business platforms.
  • Net-Zero Guidance: Offers tools and resources to guide companies on their journey to net-zero emissions.
  • Educational Platform: Features an eLearning platform to educate teams on sustainability practices.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Carbonside, 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London,EC2A 4NE
  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 3627 2203
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:
  • Linkedin:

14. 7 Gen Analytics Ltd

7 Gen Analytics Ltd is a London-based firm dedicated to enhancing sustainable urban environments through robust geospatial and data-driven methodologies. The company employs a multidisciplinary team of urban and social science experts who focus on creating innovative digital technologies and analytical processes. These efforts support sustainable development by enabling informed, agile decision-making based on comprehensive urban data analysis. The firm’s commitment to sustainable practices is deeply rooted in the Seventh Generation Principle, which emphasizes long-term environmental stewardship.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in sustainable urban development.
  • Employs a multidisciplinary approach combining urban planning and social sciences.
  • Utilizes geospatial data to enhance urban environment planning and sustainability.
  • Inspired by the Seventh Generation Principle for long-term sustainability goals.


  • Urban Data Analysis: Utilizes geospatial data to analyze and improve urban environments.
  • Sustainable Development Consulting: Offers consulting services to ensure development projects meet sustainability goals.
  • Digital Technology Development: Develops technologies that facilitate data-evidenced decision-making in urban planning.
  • Research and Policy Advisory: Provides research-driven insights and policy advice to support sustainable urban development.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Geovation Hub, Sutton Yard, 4th Floor, 65 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EN
  • Linkedin:

15. Sensat

Sensat specializes in transforming complex infrastructure data into clear, actionable visualizations, aiding stakeholders across various industries in understanding and optimizing their projects. Founded by James Dean and Harry Atkinson, Sensat has rapidly evolved from a visionary startup in London to a key player in digital mapping and infrastructure visualization. Their innovative platform allows teams to visualize projects within real-world contexts, simplifying decision-making processes and enhancing project communication. The software facilitates the integration of real-world data into the planning and execution stages, ensuring that all team members have a unified view of the project landscape.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Visualization: Offers advanced 3D visualization tools that integrate real-world data for comprehensive project planning and management.
  • Real-World Integration: Enables the assessment of project plans against actual geographical and environmental constraints.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Improves project stakeholder communication by providing a common visual language.
  • Trusted by Major Industries: Utilized by leading companies in sectors such as energy, rail, and civil infrastructure.


  • Project Visualization: Allows users to visualize and interact with their infrastructure projects within the context of real-world environments.
  • Option Evaluation: Assists in evaluating project options and understanding site constraints to mitigate risks early in the project lifecycle.
  • Communication Tools: Simplifies the explanation of technical issues to non-technical stakeholders through intuitive visual presentations.
  • Data Integration and Management: Provides tools for integrating, managing, and sharing data across project teams to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Sensat HQ, 15 Ironmonger Row London EC1V 3QG United Kingdom
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

16. BKwai

BKwai leverages cutting-edge technology to transform complex site monitoring data into actionable engineering insights, enhancing decision-making processes across the asset lifecycle. With a foundation rooted in research from the University of Cambridge, BKwai offers a robust platform for managing and analyzing geospatial data. The company integrates advanced data science techniques, including machine learning and historical InSAR satellite data, to provide comprehensive solutions for planning, construction, and operation phases. BKwai’s tools are designed to improve planning accuracy, prevent project delays, and enhance asset operation through intelligent forecasting and real-time monitoring.

Key Highlights:

  • Data Integration: Integrates data from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive view of project constraints and opportunities.
  • Predictive Analytics: Employs machine learning for forecasting, helping preempt potential issues in construction and operations.
  • Remote Monitoring: Utilizes satellite and sensor data for consistent, accurate monitoring of assets.


  • Planning Support: Uses historical satellite data to aid in site planning and design by mapping site movements and identifying trends.
  • Construction Monitoring: Offers real-time monitoring and alerts for construction projects, ensuring adherence to safety and design thresholds.
  • Operational Maintenance: Provides ongoing asset monitoring during the operational phase, delivering insights that guide maintenance schedules and ensure asset longevity.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

17. Cognition Foundry

Cognition Foundry is a dynamic geospatial solutions provider based in London, known for its innovative approach to tackling global challenges through advanced geospatial technologies and collaborative strategies. Specializing in bespoke platform development, the company focuses on enabling impactful and sustainable solutions tailored to the unique needs of their clients. Cognition Foundry’s multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in engineering, marketing, and networking to support founders from the initial idea phase through to market leadership, emphasizing the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Solutions: Develops custom geospatial platforms tailored to specific project needs, emphasizing sustainable impact.
  • Founder Support: Offers a comprehensive support system for founders, including idea advisory sessions and an equity-for-services program.
  • Expertise in Technology: Leverages state-of-the-art technologies across AI, blockchain, and cloud solutions to enhance project outcomes.


  • Geospatial Analysis and Visualization: Utilizes advanced mapping and data visualization techniques to inform better decision-making.
  • Sustainable Development Consulting: Provides strategic advice on incorporating sustainable practices into project planning and execution.
  • Custom Software Development: Crafts bespoke software solutions that cater to the specific geospatial needs of clients, ensuring scalability and effectiveness.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Linkedin:

18. Naxxar Technology

Naxxar Technology is a pioneering firm based in London, specializing in providing geospatial solutions to enhance the efficiency and security of global trade. Their expertise lies in integrating geospatial data with real-time tracking technology to offer comprehensive visibility and security across the supply chain. By leveraging advanced data analytics and satellite imagery, Naxxar Tech aids businesses in navigating the complexities of global trade with precision and strategic foresight.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Geospatial Solutions: Utilizes cutting-edge technology to improve global trade efficiency.
  • Sustainability Focus: Integrates sustainability into core business practices, aiming to reduce carbon footprints across supply chains.
  • Strategic Location: Inspired by Malta’s historical role in trade, harnessing a strategic approach to modern logistics and data flow.


  • Cargo Visibility Solutions: Offers robust tracking solutions to maintain visibility over goods throughout the supply chain.
  • Carbon Emissions Tracking and Reporting: Implements advanced tracking technologies to monitor and report carbon emissions accurately.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Employs sophisticated data analytics to enhance decision-making processes in global trade logistics.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:


VOLTQUANT leverages advanced geospatial technology to provide crucial insights into grid connections for energy projects. Their platform, empowered by machine learning, helps developers identify optimal land for their projects relative to grid connectivity, significantly enhancing the efficiency and success rate of grid applications. By integrating data from multiple sources, VOLTQUANT offers a comprehensive view that simplifies the complex process of connecting to the UK’s national grid, which is currently overwhelmed by applications and limited by capacity constraints.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Use of Geospatial Data: VOLTQUANT utilizes geospatial analytics to optimize the site selection process for energy projects.
  • Machine Learning Integration: Employs machine learning to analyze potential project sites for the best grid connection options.
  • Significant Industry Impact: Aims to reduce the typical delays and high failure rates associated with grid connection applications in the UK.


  • Grid and Land Sourcing Platform: Aggregates and analyzes data to assess land for potential energy projects.
  • Prometheus Platform: Uses machine learning to determine the optimal locations for projects, considering various logistical and regulatory factors.
  • Consultancy Services: Offers expert consultancy on grid feasibility studies, application processes, and connection offer reviews to streamline project development.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: F4, Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Rd, London EC1V 7EN
  • Email:

20. Onsee

Onsee, a dynamic startup based in London, leverages geospatial technology to enhance urban mobility by making cycling safer and more efficient. Their innovative approach involves creating a centralized community data map that contributes to smarter city planning and safer cycling routes. The introduction of REBO, their smart bike camera, automates the process of capturing, uploading, and sharing data about cycling routes and incidents, which in turn aids in the collective effort to improve urban infrastructure.

Key Highlights:

  • Centralized Community Data Map: Onsee uses geospatial data to map cycling routes and identify city hotspots for safety improvements.
  • Smart Cycling Camera (REBO): This device simplifies the collection and sharing of geospatial data on cycling routes, enhancing route safety.
  • Data-Driven Urban Mobility Solutions: Their technology aids cities in making informed decisions that enhance urban transportation systems, specifically for cyclists.


  • Urban Mobility Data Collection: Utilizes smart devices and community input to gather extensive geospatial data on urban cycling routes.
  • Safety and Route Optimization: Analyzes collected data to identify and improve high-risk areas and optimize cycling routes.
  • Community Engagement Platform: Encourages community participation in data collection and sharing, fostering a proactive approach to urban safety.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:

21. Satsense Solutions

Satsense Solutions specializes in leveraging satellite remote sensing technology and geospatial analytics to provide innovative solutions across various sectors, including natural resources and infrastructure. The company employs advanced Earth Observation data to enhance the management and sustainability of natural capital and infrastructure projects, supporting clients with robust, data-driven decision-making tools accessible through their intuitive web-based application.

Key Highlights:

  • Award-Winning Innovations: Recognized for disruptive solutions in urban innovation and space technology applications in sanitation and wastewater management.
  • Global Recognition: Featured in major publications and selected for prestigious programs such as the Aerospace Valley Space2Waves Internationalisation program and the Toilet Board Coalition Accelerator Program.
  • Environmental Impact: Focused on enhancing water resource management, reducing environmental impacts in mining, and improving infrastructure integrity.


  • Water Resources Management: Utilizes satellite data for evaluating water quality and monitoring catchment areas.
  • Natural Capital Valuation: Provides digital monitoring, reporting, and verification for projects aimed at valuing ecosystem services.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring: Enhances the safety and efficiency of infrastructure through continuous satellite monitoring.
  • Data-Driven Web Application: Offers a platform for clients to visualize, query, and download essential data for informed decision-making.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:

22. Location Hawk

Location Hawk harnesses geospatial data to provide personalized property search services in London, blending artificial intelligence and data mining to match individuals with ideal living spaces based on their personal preferences and lifestyle needs. The company specializes in creating spatial visualizations that help clients easily identify and organize potential homes that align with their specified criteria. This approach not only personalizes the search process but also streamlines the decision-making through visual and analytical clarity.

Key Highlights:

  • Personalized Property Matching: Uses AI to align user preferences with available properties.
  • Advanced Data Analysis: Employs data mining to deeply understand and predict client needs.
  • Spatial Visualizations: Offers intuitive maps that illustrate ideal residential areas.
  • Interactive Map Features: Allows users to pin properties and manage selections effectively.


  • Personalization of Search: Collects user input to tailor property searches.
  • Analytical Property Matching: Utilizes advanced algorithms to suggest suitable homes.
  • Visual Mapping: Provides customized maps highlighting recommended areas and properties.
  • Property Organization Tools: Includes features for saving and comparing potential homes on the map.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:
  • Twitter:

23. CyStellar

CyStellar is a geospatial intelligence company based in London, focusing on providing real-time insights for the insurance, logistics, and agriculture sectors. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, the company leverages satellite imagery, IoT data, and machine learning to offer tailored decision support tools. These tools help organizations make strategic and operational decisions by providing detailed, up-to-date geospatial data.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in transforming complex, multi-source data into actionable insights using geospatial intelligence.
  • Offers solutions across various sectors including insurance, agriculture, and logistics, emphasizing real-time data utility.
  • Integrates advanced technologies such as IoT, big data, and AI to enhance data accuracy and applicability.


  • InsurTech Solutions: AI-driven risk assessment and claims management tailored for the insurance industry.
  • AgTech Solutions: Precision agriculture services including crop management, irrigation, and fertilization optimization.
  • FoodTech Solutions: Ensures food safety and traceability, which supports food transport and recall initiatives.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: CyStellar Ltd, London, UK
  • Phone: +46 720 430314
  • Email:
  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:


London has emerged as a significant hub for geospatial companies, leveraging its position at the intersection of technology, finance, and urban planning to foster innovation in the geospatial sector. These companies excel in transforming vast amounts of spatial data into actionable insights, serving a variety of sectors including urban planning, transportation, real estate, and emergency services. With a focus on integrating advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and cloud computing, these firms offer solutions that significantly enhance decision-making processes, risk management, and strategic planning for businesses and governmental bodies alike.

The contributions of these top geospatial companies in London underscore the growing importance of geospatial technology in today’s data-driven economy. As these firms continue to expand their capabilities, the potential for new applications of geospatial data seems boundless. Whether it’s through creating detailed digital twins of urban environments, optimizing logistics and supply chain operations, or enhancing public safety through real-time, location-based alerts, London’s geospatial companies are set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and innovation on a global scale.
