FlyPix AI

Leading Geospatial Companies in Toronto

Toronto is a hub for technological innovation, and among the various tech sectors thriving in the city, geospatial companies are some of the most dynamic. These firms specialize in everything from satellite imaging to GIS applications, offering cutting-edge solutions for mapping and spatial data analysis. This article delves into the top geospatial companies in Toronto, highlighting their contributions to the industry and how they’re shaping the future of geospatial technology.

1. FlyPix AI

At FlyPix AI, we provide AI-driven geospatial solutions that transform object detection, localization, tracking, and monitoring using advanced technology. Our platform offers precise, geo-referenced insights from complex imagery, which is essential for applications such as environmental monitoring and urban planning. Our approach leverages AI to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of geospatial data analysis.

Our services are built on a foundation of robust AI models and customization options that cater to diverse industry needs. From detailed object analysis to dynamic tracking, our technology is designed to adapt to the specific requirements of our clients, providing tailored solutions that address unique challenges. Whether it’s change detection over time or custom use case development, our platform is equipped to deliver high-quality geospatial insights.

The industries we serve benefit significantly from our geospatial solutions. We support sectors such as government, construction, renewable energy, agriculture, and more with applications ranging from waste detection to infrastructure monitoring. Our solutions not only offer detailed insights but also promote efficiency and cost savings through remote inspection capabilities.

Integration and user experience are key aspects of our offerings. Our platform is designed for easy integration with existing GIS platforms, ensuring a seamless user experience. This integration is complemented by our flexible pricing options, which are designed to accommodate a range of geospatial data needs, from individual projects to large-scale organizational deployments.

Furthermore, FlyPix AI is committed to continuous innovation and improvement, staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the geospatial sector. We actively engage in research and development to refine our AI algorithms and expand our service capabilities. This dedication to innovation ensures that our clients always have access to the latest technologies and can benefit from the most sophisticated solutions available in the market. With FlyPix AI, partners and clients are empowered to leverage cutting-edge geospatial analytics to drive decisions, optimize operations, and achieve substantial business outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  • AI-driven geospatial solutions for various industries.
  • Customizable platform to meet specific client needs.
  • Efficient remote inspection and analysis capabilities.
  • Easy integration with existing GIS platforms.


  • AI-Enabled Object Detection and Localization
  • Detailed Object Analysis
  • Change and Anomaly Detection
  • Dynamic Tracking
  • Custom Use Cases Development

Contact Information:

2. Avenza Systems

Avenza Systems Inc., based in Toronto, focuses on developing robust mapping software that integrates seamlessly with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, enhancing the capabilities of these platforms to handle geospatial data. Their flagship products, MAPublisher and Geographic Imager, empower users to create high-quality maps and manage spatial imagery efficiently. These tools are designed to maintain all attributes and georeferencing of GIS data, ensuring precision and accuracy in map production.

The company supports a broad range of file formats, fostering geospatial interoperability across various GIS and mapping industries. This capability allows users to import, edit, and manage data from different sources, making Avenza Systems a versatile choice for professionals in the cartography and GIS fields. Their software solutions are tailored to enhance the cartographic workflow, from data import to map publishing, integrating powerful graphic design tools with geospatial precision.

Avenza’s commitment extends beyond software development to user support and education. They provide extensive resources, including training, webinars, and a community forum, to assist users in maximizing the capabilities of their products. The company also offers Avenza Maps, a mobile app that allows users to access and navigate maps offline, catering to both commercial and recreational map users.

Avenza’s innovative approach to geospatial technology is reflected in their continuous software updates and customer support initiatives, ensuring their tools remain relevant and useful in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Their products are not only tools for creating and managing maps but also platforms for integrating geospatial data into the workflows of professionals across various industries.

Key Highlights:

  • Integrates GIS mapping tools with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Supports over 80 file formats for comprehensive geospatial interoperability.
  • Offers products like MAPublisher for cartography and Geographic Imager for spatial imagery management.
  • Provides a mobile app, Avenza Maps, for offline map access and navigation.


  • Map creation and editing with MAPublisher.
  • Spatial imagery management using Geographic Imager.
  • Training and support for all their products.
  • Offline map navigation through the Avenza Maps app.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 84 Merton St, Toronto, ON M4S 1A1 Canada
  • Email:
  • Phone: 416-487-5116
  • Facebook:
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  • Linkedin:

3. 4DM Inc

4DM Inc positions itself as a Geospatial Information Technology Company that collaborates with governments, NGOs, and the private sector. Their approach integrates expertise in science, engineering, environment, and geography to deliver client-driven solutions. This multidisciplinary method allows them to provide comprehensive services that not only meet technical requirements but also consider economic considerations.

The company’s offerings encompass a wide range of geospatial applications, from consulting projects to service-based work. 4DM’s services are focused on enhancing the understanding and application of geospatial technology. They assist clients from the data acquisition phase through to the application of analytical and numerical solutions, which helps in extracting valuable information for various projects.

Beyond traditional GIS services, 4DM extends its expertise to develop custom tools designed to support specific business needs. This bespoke approach ensures that solutions are not just technically sound but also aligned with the unique operational demands of their clients. Their expansive service list demonstrates their capability to adapt and cater to a diverse set of geospatial needs across multiple sectors.

With a strong emphasis on client relationships, 4DM strives to provide services that are not only effective but also economically viable. This balance of technical excellence and cost-efficiency underlines their commitment to delivering value through geospatial information technology.

Key Highlights:

  • Partnerships with governments, NGOs, and private sectors.
  • Provides a comprehensive blend of science, engineering, and geospatial expertise.
  • Develops custom tools tailored to specific client needs.
  • Focuses on economical solutions alongside technical efficacy.


  • Strategic Consulting
  • Mapping and Monitoring
  • Analytics and Modeling
  • Application Development
  • Applied Research

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 920 Yonge Street, Suite 803, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3C7 Canada
  • Email:
  • Phone: (416) 410-7569
  • Linkedin:

4. Esri Canada

Esri Canada specializes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is a leader in digitizing geographical data to create extensive digital maps. Their history is rooted in transforming physical maps into dynamic digital models, which significantly enhances the ability to layer and analyze data. This transition from traditional to digital mapping has allowed them to provide innovative solutions across various sectors.

The company is not just about maps; they focus on solving complex problems through the integration of geographic information into decision-making processes. By utilizing their digital models, Esri Canada enables organizations to visualize and manipulate large datasets spatially and temporally. This capability is pivotal for industries ranging from urban planning to environmental conservation, helping them to make more informed decisions.

Esri Canada’s approach is deeply intertwined with sustainable practices, emphasizing the importance of building a sustainable future through smart GIS solutions. Their commitment to community and environmental well-being is evident in their participation in initiatives like the Great Trail project, which aims to connect communities across Canada through sustainable pathways.

Their operational framework is supported by robust security measures, evidenced by their ISO 27001:2013 certification. This ensures that all their processes and data handling meet high standards of information security, which is crucial for maintaining trust and integrity in their services.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in creating digital geographical models through GIS.
  • Focuses on solving complex spatial problems across various sectors.
  • Committed to sustainable practices and community well-being.
  • Maintains high standards of data security and integrity.


  • GIS and mapping products
  • Geo-enabled products
  • Location analytics
  • Specialized applications for different industries
  • Support and training for GIS technology

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 12 Concorde Place, Suite 900, Toronto, ON M3C 3R8
  • Email:
  • Phone: 416-441-6035
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Instagram:

5. Ecopia AI

Ecopia AI is revolutionizing the field of digital mapping through the application of advanced artificial intelligence to create highly accurate vector maps from high-resolution geospatial imagery. This technology enables the transformation of vast amounts of raw data into detailed, actionable maps that are used across a variety of industries for data-driven decision-making. Their innovative approach leverages the precision of AI to replicate the expertise of GIS professionals, ensuring that the maps produced are both reliable and scalable.

The company excels in producing comprehensive vector data at a large scale, offering millions of square kilometers of mapped territory each month. This capability ensures that clients receive the most current and detailed insights about geographic areas, regardless of terrain. Ecopia AI’s technology supports the rapid update of maps to reflect real-world changes, maintaining the accuracy and relevance of the data provided.

Ecopia AI’s solutions have broad applications across various sectors, including government, insurance, civil engineering, telecommunications, and more. For instance, federal agencies use their data to develop strategies for climate resilience and emergency preparedness, while insurance companies utilize the detailed property data for risk assessment and claims management. Municipal governments improve infrastructure and public safety planning using the accurate and detailed maps provided by Ecopia AI.

The company’s commitment to using AI for good is evident in its partnerships with NGOs and other organizations, using their technology to support humanitarian and environmental projects around the world. These efforts are part of Ecopia AI’s broader mission to provide global access to high-quality geospatial data, facilitating more informed decision-making and better resource management on a global scale.

Key Highlights:

  • Utilizes AI to convert high-resolution geospatial imagery into detailed vector maps.
  • Capable of producing large-scale, accurate mapping data rapidly and efficiently.
  • Provides up-to-date and comprehensive geospatial data to various industries.
  • Committed to using AI technology for humanitarian and environmental causes.


  • High-definition vector map production
  • Geospatial data updating and maintenance
  • Industry-specific geospatial solutions
  • AI-driven analysis and project support for global initiatives

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

6. Riskthinking.AI

Riskthinking.AI is pioneering the development of the Climate Earth Digital Twin (CDT), which represents a significant innovation in the field of climate risk analysis. They utilize advanced, systematic methodologies to simulate and analyze the uncertainties and impacts of climate change. This approach is designed to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of climate risk assessments, providing stakeholders with a more robust understanding of potential future scenarios.

The company’s services are centered around generating detailed and precise risk reports for a vast array of companies and assets. Through their Beyond Hindsight solution, Riskthinking.AI offers tailored climate risk reports that help clients identify potential risks and opportunities, which is crucial for informed investment and policy decision-making. Their VELO® Analysis tool serves as the user interface to the CDT, enabling complex risk management for large asset pools and intricate scenarios.

Riskthinking.AI’s commitment to innovation extends to their Enterprise Data services, which allow for customized data feeds, system integration, and the creation of proprietary climate risk models. This flexibility is vital for clients who require bespoke solutions tailored to their specific data needs and risk management frameworks.

In addition to their advanced technological offerings, Riskthinking.AI is supported by a team with a wealth of experience in climate science, data science, financial engineering, and software development. This interdisciplinary expertise ensures that their solutions are both scientifically rigorous and practically applicable across various sectors.

Key Highlights:

  • Develops the Climate Earth Digital Twin for advanced climate simulation.
  • Utilizes systematic, mathematically consistent methodologies for climate risk analysis.
  • Offers detailed climate risk reports and robust tools for risk management through Beyond Hindsight and VELO® Analysis.
  • Provides customizable enterprise data services for tailored climate risk modeling.


  • Climate Earth Digital Twin simulation and analysis
  • Beyond Hindsight for climate risk reporting
  • VELO® Analysis interface for complex risk management
  • Customizable enterprise data solutions and software integration

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: 392 Markham Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6G 2K9
  • Phone: (416) 968-0996

7. Streambatch

Streambatch leverages advanced remote sensing technology to provide NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data, a critical metric in agricultural data science. By utilizing data from six satellites across three different constellations, the company ensures high frequency, high resolution, and high accuracy in its geospatial data offerings. This broad satellite coverage allows Streambatch to offer updated and detailed NDVI assessments at a 10-meter resolution for any location on Earth, updated daily and supported by a ten-year archive.

Streambatch’s service simplifies the process for clients by handling the complex image processing tasks required to generate NDVI data, allowing users to focus on analysis rather than data preparation. The company’s API (Application Programming Interface) facilitates easy access to NDVI data for various user-defined geographical points or polygons, such as individual farms or entire regions. This service is essential for users needing precise, timely, and scalable vegetation analysis for large-scale agricultural monitoring or environmental assessment.

One of the key strengths of Streambatch is its commitment to making their service user-friendly and cost-effective. Their API is designed for simplicity, ensuring that even users with minimal remote sensing knowledge can integrate and utilize the data effectively. Additionally, the company emphasizes the reliability and accuracy of their NDVI data, which is crucial for users relying on this information for critical decision-making in agriculture and environmental management.

Streambatch also prioritizes customer support, providing robust assistance to ensure that clients can maximize the utility of the NDVI data. Their support system is structured to help users overcome any technical challenges quickly, ensuring minimal downtime and maximizing the effectiveness of the data provided.

Key Highlights:

  • Utilizes six satellites from three different constellations for comprehensive NDVI data coverage.
  • Offers high-resolution, daily updated NDVI data accessible via a simple API.
  • Focuses on cost-effectiveness and ease of use in data access and application.
  • Provides robust customer support to assist users in maximizing data utility.


  • Time-series NDVI data extraction for single or multiple points.
  • NDVI analysis for large defined polygons (e.g., entire states or regions).
  • Customizable data extraction for specific agricultural or environmental projects.
  • API access for streamlined integration and data utilization.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:

8. Shapetrace Inc.

Shapetrace Inc. was an innovative startup in the construction industry, focusing on integrating augmented reality (AR) technology to enhance on-site construction management. Founded by Ernest Yap, the company developed a mobile AR application designed to overlay architectural 3D designs (BIM – Building Information Modeling) onto actual construction spaces. This technology allowed construction workers to visually compare the planned designs against the current state of the construction site, aiding in error prevention and progress tracking.

The core functionality of Shapetrace’s application involved the use of 3D detection technology that compared the architectural designs with the actual conditions on the site. This feature enabled the app not only to measure the progress of construction projects but also to detect discrepancies and automatically update project schedules accordingly. Such capabilities proved crucial in minimizing errors and enhancing the efficiency of construction projects.

Throughout its operational period from 2014 to 2018, Shapetrace achieved significant milestones. The company grew its revenue impressively after two years of development and secured angel investment. It was also recognized in several competitions, highlighting its innovative approach to merging technology with construction needs. Notably, Shapetrace won the $25K MaRS Upstart 2015 pitch competition and placed in the top 5 at the TieQuest 2017 national pitch competition.

Despite its eventual closure, Shapetrace’s impact on the construction and AR technology sectors remains noteworthy. The company was among the pioneers in applying AR to solve real-world problems in construction, setting a foundation for future innovations in the industry.

Key Highlights:

  • Developed an AR application for error prevention in construction.
  • Enabled real-time comparison of 3D architectural designs with actual site conditions.
  • Achieved significant revenue growth and received competitive recognitions.
  • Held a U.S. Patent for Depth Camera 3D Pose Estimation using a 3D CAD model.


  • Mobile augmented reality application for construction sites.
  • Real-time 3D detection and comparison of design plans versus actual site conditions.
  • Automated progress tracking and schedule updating based on real-time data.
  • Error detection and prevention capabilities integrated into the construction workflow.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Toronto, Canada
  • Email: ernest@ernestyap. com


Toronto has emerged as a significant hub for geospatial technology, boasting a diverse array of companies that are innovating in the field. These enterprises are leveraging the latest advancements in GIS, remote sensing, and augmented reality to provide solutions that span across various industries including agriculture, construction, urban planning, and environmental management. Their contributions not only enhance data-driven decision-making but also foster a culture of technological advancement and entrepreneurial spirit within the city’s rapidly growing tech ecosystem.

The presence of these top geospatial companies in Toronto underscores the city’s role as a leader in the integration of geospatial data with modern technology. By developing tools that improve the accuracy, accessibility, and usability of spatial data, these firms are setting new standards in the geospatial field. Their work not only propels local innovation but also positions Toronto as a global player in shaping the future of how we understand and interact with the physical world.
