FlyPix AI

Top Geospatial Companies in Munich

Munich, a hub of technological innovation, is home to some of the most prominent geospatial companies in the world. These companies specialize in everything from mapping services and geographic information systems (GIS) to advanced spatial analysis and data management. This article explores the leading geospatial firms based in Munich, highlighting their contributions to the industry and their impact on global and local scales. Whether you’re a professional in the field, a potential investor, or simply a tech enthusiast, understanding these key players is essential for anyone interested in the future of geospatial technologies.

1. FlyPix AI

At FlyPix AI, we harness the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize geospatial technology. Our GEO AI platform is designed to convert complex imagery into geo-referenced insights that are actionable and precise. This allows users to efficiently track environmental changes, optimize urban planning, and enhance various operational processes across multiple industries. By integrating AI-driven tools for object detection, localization, and tracking, we ensure that our solutions are both innovative and practical for real-world applications.

Our platform provides detailed analysis of object properties, facilitates dynamic tracking, and supports change and anomaly detection using advanced AI algorithms. With a commitment to adaptability, we offer custom use cases to meet the specific needs of our clients. This flexibility ensures that our geospatial solutions are not only cutting-edge but also directly applicable to the unique challenges faced by different sectors, from agriculture to urban development.

Key Highlights:

  • AI-enabled object detection and localization
  • Detailed object analysis for comprehensive insights
  • Change and anomaly detection to monitor environmental and urban shifts
  • Dynamic tracking of objects over time using AI
  • Customizable solutions tailored to specific industry needs


  • AI-driven geospatial analysis for object detection, localization, and monitoring
  • Custom model development to suit unique operational requirements
  • User-friendly interface for easy visualization and manipulation of geospatial data
  • Efficient and cost-effective remote inspection and analysis capabilities
  • Support for a wide range of industries, including government, construction, and agriculture

Contact Information:


VIDA specializes in providing a map-based software platform that enables organizations to assess and manage location risks associated with their infrastructure. By accessing over 50 global data layers, VIDA allows users to quickly evaluate climate, ESG, demand, and accessibility risks for a diverse range of infrastructures such as wind farms, solar farms, data centers, and transportation networks. Their platform facilitates a comprehensive approach to risk management by integrating various risk parameters and enabling in-depth geographic context analysis for each location.

Organizations using VIDA can collaborate effectively through the platform, sharing projects with team members and external partners to enhance the due diligence process. This collaborative environment supports adding notes, reports, and other relevant documentation, helping teams make data-based decisions efficiently. Additionally, VIDA enables users to export their findings in formats like PDF and CSV, aiding in the reporting and decision-making processes for investments and risk management across multiple industries.

Key Highlights:

  • Access to over 50 global data layers for comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Enables detailed due diligence of location risks globally.
  • Collaboration features for team-based project management and documentation.
  • Export capabilities for sharing and reporting due diligence results.


  • Comprehensive risk assessment tools for infrastructure and investments.
  • Collaborative project management functionalities for team and external partner involvement.
  • Export options for due diligence results to aid decision-making processes.
  • Customizable dashboards and data integration for tailored risk management solutions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Franz-Joseph-Strasse 10 – 80801 Munich / Germany
  • LinkedIn:
  • Twitter:

3. Cloudeo

Cloudeo operates as a global marketplace for geospatial data and solutions, catering to a broad range of industries with varying levels of geospatial expertise. This platform serves as a central point where users and providers of geospatial data, software, and services can connect seamlessly. By facilitating access to high-quality, ready-to-use data from industry leaders worldwide, Cloudeo supports both developers and decision-makers in addressing geospatial challenges effectively. Their offerings include satellite and airborne imagery, cloud resources, geospatial software, and application services, enabling users to customize solutions to meet specific needs.

The company emphasizes ease of use and flexibility, allowing users to navigate their extensive marketplace to select services that precisely fit their requirements. From placing orders online to receiving tailored quotes and choosing payment plans, Cloudeo streamlines the process to enhance efficiency. They also ensure that their solutions meet the state-of-the-art geospatial needs of businesses by continuously evolving their offerings in collaboration with a wide network of partners, including major industry players like Airbus Defense and Space and Hexagon Geospatial.

Key Highlights:

  • Operates a comprehensive marketplace for geospatial data and solutions.
  • Provides a broad array of services including satellite imagery, geospatial software, and cloud infrastructure.
  • Offers flexibility in service selection and customization through an interactive online platform.
  • Partners with leading industry entities to enhance their service offerings.


  • Access to a wide range of geospatial data and software solutions.
  • Custom Earth Observation and GIS application development.
  • Project management and consulting services in R&D for geospatial technologies.
  • Educational workshops and training sessions tailored to various institutional needs.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Ludwigstrasse 8, 80539 Munich, Germany
  • Phone: +49 89 206 021 166
  • Facebook:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:

4. Trimble Geospatial

Trimble Geospatial is renowned for providing trusted hardware and software solutions designed by and for surveying and mapping professionals. Over generations, these solutions have supported customers in working faster, safer, and more sustainably. Trimble’s portfolio includes a wide range of products such as total stations, GNSS systems, and 3D laser scanning systems, each built on proven technologies that offer precision, accuracy, and ease of integration from the field to the office. Their commitment to innovation is evident in their continuous development of solutions that map, measure, and visualize the physical environment, enhancing the capabilities of geospatial professionals worldwide.

The company not only develops high-quality equipment but also emphasizes the integration of these technologies with software solutions that cater to various geospatial applications. This integration facilitates a more comprehensive approach to data management, allowing for efficient analysis and decision-making. Trimble’s global presence is bolstered by a network of over 400 authorized distributors, providing local access to sales, training, and support, ensuring that their users achieve the maximum benefit from their geospatial solutions. This extensive support network exemplifies Trimble’s dedication to customer service and technological empowerment in the geospatial sector.

Key Highlights:

  • Offers a comprehensive range of geospatial hardware and software solutions.
  • Provides technologies designed to improve productivity, safety, and sustainability.
  • Features a global network of over 400 distributors for local support.


  • Production and distribution of advanced geospatial hardware like total stations and GNSS systems.
  • Development of geospatial software solutions for data management and analysis.
  • Comprehensive customer support including training and technical assistance.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Instagram:

5. Vista Geowissenschaftliche Fernerkundung GmbH

Vista Geowissenschaftliche Fernerkundung GmbH has been at the forefront of remote sensing solutions since its establishment in 1995. Specializing in agricultural monitoring, smart farming, and sustainability, the company has developed a robust approach by integrating optical and radar remote sensing data with scientific models, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. This multidisciplinary approach enables Vista to offer sophisticated solutions that address complex challenges within the water-energy-food nexus. Their expertise is demonstrated across various applications, significantly enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability for clients in over 25 countries.

Vista is dedicated to promoting sustainable management practices that improve the resilience of food systems and reduce the agricultural sector’s global footprint. Their services are particularly focused on smart farming and yield prediction, areas where they have established a strong market presence through continuous innovation and active involvement in research and development. The proprietary crop growth models and advanced IT solutions for data processing are central to their strategy, allowing for precise analysis and effective management of agricultural resources. This commitment to sustainability and climate resilience underpins all of Vista’s projects and services, making them a key player in the field of geospatial remote sensing.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in remote sensing solutions for agriculture, sustainability, and climate.
  • Integrates optical and radar data with AI and machine learning for advanced analysis.
  • Strong focus on sustainable management of the water-energy-food nexus.


  • Agricultural monitoring and smart farming solutions.
  • Customized solutions for specific customer needs related to the water-energy-food nexus.
  • Proprietary crop growth modeling and advanced data processing capabilities.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Gabelsbergerstr. 51, D – 80333 München
  • Phone: +49 89 45 21 614 10
  • Email:

6. The Landbanking Group

The Landbanking Group has pioneered “Landler,” the world’s first Nature Equity management platform, marking a significant innovation in environmental sustainability. This platform allows companies to account for nature investments as assets on their balance sheets, directly aligning business operations with environmental conservation. By doing so, it provides a financial incentive for land stewards to engage in preserving or restoring their land, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between commerce and conservation. The company’s approach disrupts traditional practices by creating a new asset class, Nature Equity, which aims to reverse nature loss and promote long-term global prosperity.

Their operational model is built on a tri-layered technological framework comprising value assessment, asset issuance, and market interaction. The Landbanking Group employs advanced technologies such as Earth observation, in-situ data collection, and artificial intelligence to track and evaluate biodiversity, carbon, water, and soil quality. This data-driven approach enables the accurate creation of Natural Capital Accounts, which form the basis for issuing Nature Equity. Through this system, businesses, investors, and individuals can invest in and manage Nature Equity assets, contributing to a sustainable and resilient future while complying with environmental legislation and mitigating nature-related risks.

Key Highlights:

  • Developed the first platform for managing Nature Equity as a balance sheet asset.
  • Utilizes advanced technology to monitor and evaluate natural capital.
  • Creates a new market and asset class that aligns financial interests with environmental sustainability.


  • Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) technology to track environmental factors.
  • Issuance of Nature Equity based on improvements in natural capital.
  • A marketplace for investing in and managing Nature Equity assets.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Linkedin:

7. NavVis

NavVis, based in Munich, stands as a prominent player in the geospatial industry, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. The company specializes in capturing and sharing the built environment through photorealistic digital twins. Utilizing SLAM-based mobile mapping systems, NavVis enables the creation of high-quality, accurate digital representations at scale. This technology is pivotal for service providers and enterprises across various sectors, empowering them to make informed operational decisions, enhance productivity, and streamline business processes. With a strong focus on reality capture and digital factory solutions, NavVis equips users to better navigate and manage complex environments.

The company’s innovative approach extends to their NavVis IVION platform, where they transform point clouds and panoramic images into accessible, intelligent virtual spaces. These digital twins allow for comprehensive virtual site management, including detailed floor plans and routing, all accessible via standard web browsers. This capability facilitates seamless collaboration on projects, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in spatial data management. By continuously advancing their technology and expanding their solutions, NavVis remains at the forefront of the digital transformation of physical spaces, contributing significantly to the geospatial data landscape.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in the creation of photorealistic digital twins using advanced SLAM technology.
  • Provides reality capture and access solutions that enhance productivity and decision-making.
  • Employs mobile mapping systems that deliver survey-grade accuracy at speed and scale.


  • Reality capture with mobile mapping systems for detailed and accurate data collection.
  • Digital twin creation that allows for virtual navigation and management of physical spaces.
  • Comprehensive digital factory solutions to improve operational efficiency and profitability.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:
  • Instagram:


OCELL, a Munich-based climate-tech startup, has positioned itself at the forefront of environmental sustainability by leveraging aerial photography and AI to enhance forest management. The company specializes in creating digital twins of forests, which forms the basis for their Dynamic Forest operating system. This innovative system allows for precise Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of forest data, making OCELL a leader in Climate Smart Forestry. Currently, the platform manages over 500,000 hectares of forest, providing detailed metrics that guide forest management decisions and climate project evaluations.

The core of OCELL’s operation lies in its ability to transform traditional forest management into data-driven climate projects. By converting aerial data into actionable insights, OCELL enhances the carbon storage capabilities of forests, promoting biodiversity, and improving water regulation through intelligent forest management strategies. This approach not only supports forest owners in optimizing their land but also enables companies to invest in local carbon credits transparently and measurably. The transparency and effectiveness of OCELL’s projects are assured through rigorous data management and quality control, ensuring that each project contributes genuinely to climate mitigation.

Key Highlights:

  • Utilizes aerial photography and AI to create digital twins for precise forest management.
  • Manages over 500,000 hectares of forest with their Dynamic Forest system.
  • Offers transparent and measurable climate projects through local carbon credits.


  • Digital twin creation and forest management through the Dynamic Forest platform.
  • Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system to ensure project transparency and success.
  • Provision of high-quality carbon credits to support sustainable forest management practices.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: OCELL GmbH, Rosenheimer Str. 139, 81671 München
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:

9. OroraTech

OroraTech, a Munich-based company, specializes in wildfire detection and monitoring using satellite technology. The company covers a vast area of 161,640,013 hectares across six continents, leveraging their advanced thermal intelligence to monitor and protect forests from wildfires. OroraTech’s systems are designed to provide early detection of hotspots, allowing for rapid response and management of potential threats to forests. This capability is powered by a network of sensors that continuously monitor the Earth’s temperature, providing real-time situational awareness and enabling the detection of fires day or night, regardless of their size.

The company’s approach integrates multiple satellite sources with first-in-class wildfire algorithms to offer an all-in-one service for wildfire management. This service includes not only detection but also real-time monitoring, damage analysis, and asset management. OroraTech’s solutions cater to a broad range of clients, from commercial enterprises to governmental organizations, ensuring that they can make informed decisions to protect their assets and the environment. This commitment to leveraging space technology for sustainable Earth management exemplifies OroraTech’s role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and natural disasters.

Key Highlights:

  • Provides global wildfire detection and monitoring services using satellite technology.
  • Manages a significant forest area on six continents with thermal intelligence.
  • Integrates data from over 20 satellite sources with proprietary algorithms for comprehensive wildfire management.


  • Early detection and real-time monitoring of wildfires through advanced satellite technology.
  • Damage mapping and asset management to assess and mitigate the impact of wildfires.
  • Custom solutions for energy and infrastructure protection, including industrial monitoring and plume detection.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: OroraTech GmbH, St.-Martin-Straße 112, 81669 Munich
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 89 2152 7220
  • Linkedin:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:

10. Pina Earth

Pina Earth, operating from Munich, is a distinguished player in the realm of sustainable forestry management, focusing on the conversion of pure stands into climate-resilient mixed forests through the provision of high-quality carbon credits. This initiative not only strengthens the climate resilience of European forests but also enhances biodiversity and increases the carbon sequestration capabilities of these vital ecosystems. By leveraging geospatial data and innovative forest management strategies, Pina Earth quantifies and enhances the ecological benefits of forests, making them more adaptable to the impacts of climate change.

The company supports forest owners in assessing the carbon sink potential of their lands and provides a platform for credit buyers to invest in verified local climate projects. This dual approach helps finance the adaptation measures needed to transform forests into biodiverse and resilient landscapes. Pina Earth’s commitment to transparency and scientific rigor ensures that every project contributes measurably to carbon capture and sustainability goals, aligning with their mission to future-proof forests against environmental and climatic challenges.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in transforming pure stands into climate-resilient mixed forests.
  • Offers high-quality carbon credits to finance forest adaptation measures.
  • Focuses on enhancing biodiversity, climate resilience, and carbon sequestration.


  • Carbon credit sales to support sustainable forest management.
  • Assessment services for forest owners to evaluate carbon sink potential.
  • Investment opportunities for credit buyers in climate protection projects.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 1517 433 5250
  • Linkedin:

11. Riscognition

Riscognition, based in Geltendorf near Munich, specializes in providing advanced location intelligence solutions that streamline access to complex geospatial information. Through a suite of REST APIs, Riscognition offers clients analysis-ready data, optimizing the integration and analysis of geospatial data across various industries. Their innovative data fabric architecture significantly reduces development time by simplifying the handling of large datasets and integrating seamlessly with existing open data lakes and derived information products. This approach allows clients to enhance their application development with high-quality data delivered in industry-standard formats.

The company not only provides access to its comprehensive API catalog but also offers hosting services for third-party data, enabling data owners to reach a broader audience and participate more fully in the data economy. Additionally, Riscognition’s consulting services leverage their IT and domain expertise to help clients maximize the value of their data assets. By co-designing useful interfaces and developing bespoke algorithms, they assist clients in transforming raw data into valuable, actionable insights. Whether it’s through data hosting, customized API solutions, or strategic consulting, Riscognition is equipped to support a wide range of geospatial data needs.

Key Highlights:

  • Provides tailored REST APIs for streamlined access to geospatial data.
  • Offers hosting services to broaden the accessibility of client data.
  • Specializes in transforming complex geospatial information into user-friendly formats.


  • Geospatial API catalog providing ready access to diverse datasets.
  • Data hosting solutions to help clients leverage the data economy.
  • Consulting services to optimize the commercial use of geospatial data.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Bahnhofstr. 120 D-82269 Geltendorf, Germany
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 (0) 8193 939 992 0
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:

12. BERNARD Gruppe

BERNARD Gruppe, headquartered in Munich, Germany, stands as a beacon of innovation in the engineering sector, particularly within the realm of advanced technologies. As a specialized engineering firm, BERNARD Technologies GmbH, a part of the BERNARD Gruppe, focuses on delivering custom solutions across various technical domains including measurement, control technology, electronics, electrotechnology, optics, optoelectronics, mechanics, physics, and quantum technology. Their services are pivotal in transitioning new scientific and technological applications from development to market readiness, providing comprehensive support from installation to maintenance.

The company excels in creating sophisticated tools that integrate and analyze geospatial data, utilizing in-house developed dashboards tailored to specific sensor types. These dashboards optimize the presentation and analysis of data for various applications such as mobility monitoring and infrastructure management, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of urban planning and transportation systems. With an emphasis on merging data from multiple sources, BERNARD Gruppe provides a seamless approach to handling complex datasets, making them a crucial player in the geospatial engineering field.

Key Highlights:

  • Specializes in a broad range of technical disciplines from optoelectronics to quantum technology.
  • Provides end-to-end solutions from product development to post-installation services.
  • Expertise in integrating complex geospatial data for enhanced decision-making in mobility and infrastructure.


  • Customized engineering solutions tailored to specific industry needs.
  • Development and integration of geospatial data analytics platforms.
  • Consulting and strategic implementation services for data asset management and application.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Elsenheimerstraße 45, 80687 Munich, Germany
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 89 2000149 0

13. European Space Imaging

European Space Imaging, established in Munich, Germany in 2002, has carved a niche as a premier supplier of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and Earth Observation services across Europe and North Africa. Through a robust partnership with Maxar Technologies, this company has been pivotal in introducing 30 cm resolution satellite imagery to the European market, setting a standard for precision and accessibility. Their strategic positioning at the German Aerospace Centre allows for direct satellite tasking and local data downlink, enabling them to offer imagery solutions in near-real time—an invaluable resource for applications requiring timely and accurate geospatial data.

European Space Imaging stands out for its capacity to provide a daily revisit capability nearly 10 times per day using a constellation of satellites that capture data in panchromatic, multispectral, hyperspectral, and video formats. This capability is complemented by their access to an extensive archive of satellite imagery, which spans over two decades and contains billions of square kilometers of global data. Their innovative solutions continue to evolve, including 15 cm HD imagery that enhances pixel resolution for improved clarity, and a range of 3D products and analytical tools designed to meet the growing demands of the geospatial market.

Key Highlights:

  • First in Europe to offer 30 cm resolution satellite imagery.
  • Ability to deliver imagery in near-real time due to direct satellite access.
  • Extensive archive containing two decades of satellite imagery.


  • Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery distribution.
  • Direct satellite tasking for rapid data acquisition and delivery.
  • Advanced 3D products and comprehensive Earth Observation solutions.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Address: Arnulfstrasse 199 80634 Munich, Germany
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 89 130 1420
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
  • Instagram:

14. Hula Technologies GmbH 

Based in Munich, Hula Technologies GmbH stands as a beacon of innovation in the geospatial and biodiversity sectors. Specializing in advanced monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) technologies, Hula Technologies integrates state-of-the-art remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence to empower stakeholders in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Their mission is clear: to streamline the detection, monitoring, and reporting of biodiversity investments, making these processes more accessible and actionable for companies across the globe. By leveraging satellite imagery and on-site BioT sensors, Hula Technologies provides granular insights that drive effective conservation efforts and support sustainable ecosystem services.

Hula Technologies offers a comprehensive platform that merges remote sensing with BioT Sensing and global data analysis to deliver reliable biodiversity assessments. This integrated approach ensures that companies can align with existing environmental frameworks and adhere to emerging regulations, including the issuance of biodiversity certificates and integration into Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) reporting. The company’s solutions cater to a diverse client base, from local nature conservation projects to global environmental impact assessments, making them a key player in the geospatial industry in Munich and beyond.

Key Highlights:

  • First to integrate BioT Sensing with remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring.
  • Real-time, data-driven insights for ecosystem service management.
  • Strategic partnerships with global environmental frameworks and academic institutions.


  • Biodiversity monitoring and ecosystem service management.
  • Custom IoT solutions for environmental data collection.
  • Comprehensive MRV platform for biodiversity investments.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Linkedin:


Munich has firmly established itself as a hub for geospatial innovation, with a variety of companies at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies into the global market. These entities specialize in a range of services from very high-resolution satellite imagery to bespoke IoT solutions for biodiversity monitoring, making significant contributions to fields such as environmental conservation, urban planning, and disaster management. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies like synthetic aperture radar (SAR), AI, and remote sensing, these companies are not only advancing geospatial science but also offering practical solutions that address real-world challenges across multiple sectors.

The presence of these geospatial leaders in Munich enhances the region’s reputation as a center of technological excellence in Europe. Their collaboration with international space agencies, governmental bodies, and private sectors worldwide underscores the global relevance and application of their innovations. Through continuous research and development, supported by robust partnerships and an interdisciplinary approach, Munich’s geospatial companies are well-positioned to lead future advancements in geospatial analysis and application. This ongoing evolution is expected to yield even more sophisticated tools and systems that will further solidify Munich’s role as a key player in the global geospatial landscape.
